Why Tho? The Truth Behind Blizz's WoW Censorship Revealed… The Weekly Reset

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World of Warcraft Shadowlands is now officially playing the waiting game. Waiting for patch 9.1.5, waiting for news of 9.2 and the conclusion of the expansion. The are updates on the PTR, like Legion Mythic+ tuning and Nightborn’s new glowy hands customisations, but most talk this week has once again centred aroud the percieved censoring and removing of adult or offensive content. But who is offended? Why are the changes being made? It seems we finally have the truth…. Join Taliesin and Evitel for the Weekly Reset

+++ Wowhead Articles +++

Suggestive Player Character Joke and Flirt Voice Lines Removed in Patch 9.1.5:

Nightborne Hand Glow Customization Option Now Added to Dressing Room:

Duskwatch Arcblade Nightborne Sword Removed from the Legion Timewalking Vendor:

Covenant Swap in Patch 9.1.5 – Unlocking Free Covenant Swaps:

+++ Taliesin & Evitel +++

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Theme Music by Jay the Bard: @Jaythebard


25 thoughts on “Why Tho? The Truth Behind Blizz's WoW Censorship Revealed… The Weekly Reset”

  1. And what precisely is wrong with concubine? That's what they were. It's not like having them in the game somehow supports or encourages polygamous societies. In the Witcher games there were harlots and whores aplenty because, you know, those exist too. It colors the world, warts and all. Remove all the warts and what we're left with is a sterile and bland piece of milk-toast.

  2. unfortunately the changes their making only makes THEM feel good cause their doing SOMETHING (meaningless realistically), but its making everyone else – the players – feel bad. players are reminded in game with everything about things they are escaping from – and there's millions of players, only only several dozens of claims…i mean there's no comparison in an objective and unfair world

  3. 90% of the lines being removed are penis and blowjob jokes and imply PCs are all cisgendered heteros.

    I will not miss these.

    One of the flirts being removed implies female goblins are into BDSM.

    I will miss this.

  4. players dont care about supporting nameless victims (african kids dying or covid killing millions), they care about their games and escapes – understandably. if u FORCE it on them – they will viciously tell u to fuck off. this isnt hard – its like ppl telling u to do something and care about something again & again when u dont want to for ANY reason. you're not obligated, and neither are they.

  5. I don't think said bad people had agency only over flirts, quest text and trivia. If they want to remove things related to them you'd have to dig into a lot lot lot more fundamental gameplay systems, class design and major lore characters. So no disinfecting a corner of a room won't help with the smell that much – so keep my harmless quest jokes and flirts, thank you very much.

  6. The most likely explanation is that there are some lunatic puritans, like Steve Daloser, working at Blizzard who are using the lawsuit to push through these changes. They covered up Jaina & changed Garrosh' voiceline, because he called Sylvanus a bitch, but they probably got a lot of pushback on these other changes. The lawsuit just gave them an opportunity to change it all. Typical "woke" behaviour.

    If it truly is to "clean up the trash's residue" then why cover it up? Why not put a different image? Like the woman posing, why not change the woman in the picture instead of turning her into fruit? What explanation do you have for covering up Jaina or removing the line "bitch" from the game? There was no harassment lawsuit back then. You're also delusional if you think they're just "cleaning up" and aren't making it so future devs, who aren't molsetors, can't put in similar imagery or jokes into the game.

    I also guess we should just delete the entire wow IP because you wont ever be rid of all the residue since some of the creeps worked on the game since the very beginning…

  7. "Except when I'm making Fruits replacing women jokes, because that's objectively funny"…
    I mean, Fruits (a derogatory term for a homosexual man, or anyone in the LGBTQIA++ community) replacing women is objectively funny and not at all problematic?
    Well, you laugh at homophobic slurs if you want, then we know where you stand on LGBTQIA++ issues..

  8. The reason we accused you of defending Blizz is because you and Evitel are one 'whole', like a single entity when it comes to this Youtube Channel, and the combined opinion you seemed to have had felt as though you were saying:

    'These changes don't hurt anyone, therefor the reason behind them is irrelevant, and if you don't like the changes then you're an idiot and will be angry at anything' but then you did go on to come up with some seemingly very specific, yet out of left field ideas to justify the changes. It didn't come across as a 'worst case scenario', it came across as you trying to come up with an idea for why the changes might be happening, and that 'we don't know the reasons, so if there is POSSIBLY a good reason, then the changes are good, end of story'

    Until it was confirmed, it did very much feel like they were making incredibly minor changes to try and win 'brownie points' so to speak with the community.

    I especially took issue with Evitel's attitude where it felt like she was justifying the changes by simultaneously saying 'It's old ingame art that nobody cares about and most people don't even know exists' AND saying 'We get new art so it's a good change!' Like, why does it matter then if it's such a small, unknown thing… Her stance on the whole deal gave VERY strong 'I can find positivity in literally anything Blizzard does' vibes.

    The real issue for me personally, is that changing these things doesn't fix anything. Does it really make anyone feel better? Does changing McCree's name really help anyone? Do you think that those who were affected by it most, won't still think of the man who shares a name with him when they see the character, just because he's not canonically named that anymore? Do you think the players aren't going to just keep calling him 'McCree' as they have for years?

    They call it 'taking out the trash, and cleaning the trash's residue'

    That's not what they are doing though. What they are doing is sweeping it under the rug and pretending it doesn't exist. 'Out of sight, out of mind'. But it's still there. We aren't going to forget the changed paintings. We aren't going to forget the 'Love Rocket'. We aren't going to forget that his name is McCree. You make changes by moving forward and being better.

    What they are doing feels less like removing things that could be harassment or discrimination, and more like trying to make the world 'family friendly'.

    They're giving it the One Piece treatment. 'Replace a gun with a boxing glove on a spring to remove violence' sort of response to things.

    It's like they have become afraid of anything that might be sexual, even just an innuendo. That's the real issue here for me personally. Sexuality does not mean harassment. It does not mean discrimination.

    They shouldn't be a company that 'doesn't make sex jokes because it's inappropriate and that's harassment'.

    They should be a company that 'can make sex jokes, everyone laughs, everyone knows it's a joke, and they move on, and nobody gets harassed sexually or otherwise'

    The thing everyone seems to forget, and I know it's easy to forget that due to this whole mess but… these are adults we are talking about. They should be able to draw a fine line between making jokes and innuendos, and being directly suggestive toward one another.

    All in all maybe I'm missing something but I saw no direct confirmation that YOU were right. What I saw was a more general 'these things were created by people we don't like, and so we want to wipe all traces of them from the game entirely'. Not so much the seemingly far reaching 'Maybe they were called 'Twin Consorts' because an employee called other employees his 'Twin Consorts' so it's a direct reference to in-studio harassment that actually happened'.

    Rather if anything, the Blizzard response confirmed mostly that yes, they are in fact doing this because these overall changes are to try and be in line with the image they have of themselves.

  9. Down voting the shit out it. You can support solving the problem, but things were fun and it was comical, and something is always offensive to some one. So making things fruit and changing art and achievement names, because someone is butt hurt.. Let me put it this way, wait until some thing you like is changed because someone is offended. It will happen.

  10. Nothing, I repeat, nothing warrants erasure of these jokes and flirts. Put a toggle on, tell the devs offended by it to buck up. There's such thing as being too sensitive, and they're destroying the game for the consumers just so they can be comfortable with it.

    The erasure of the game's raunchy humor feels like a portion of its soul being taken away, and the thing that offends me most about it is that the sheer fact that they're doing it now means they don't have to stop and probably won't.

    This is bullshit, and it was the final straw that made me unsub. I would have stayed if I'd seen a genuine effort to make the game better, but this is the opposite of what I want to see. I don't want the personality of the game sacrificed. I'm done.

  11. I cannot believe that people can't understand that these are connected to current and FORMER blizzard employees whose stories obviously go FAR DEEPER INTO THE GAME than people have even consdiered to give credit to. … THank you two holy Fishing christ man.

  12. I'm competely fine with them removing things that were caused under harrassment etc. But removing every single innuendo is a bit far. I mean just like Tali said, some of them are SO funny that I actually laugh when I hear them, and that's so unfortunate..

  13. first off nice jacket. second it is a massive problem that they are making these changes. if they wanted to add new things and make something new for the game that fits more to their modern guidelines go for it, but to shun the old and out ride change it is akin to that of the nazi and is more shameful then keeping the stuff within the game. obviously team 2 doesn't care about wow cause if they did they would cherish the games history and design options from the past and plan how to move the game forward but since given the end of the games last story they have instead chosen to completely change every element of the game history and lore and now are making their own world and just calling it wow. and to change the names of characters cause they have bad feelings about these names is just sending the message that anyone who enjoys those elements and anyone named jessie or McCree should be ashamed of their selves because they don;t like it. it is just wrong and if anyone in the upper levels of blizzard had any sense they would tell them to stop it cause all their doing is drawing more and more negative attention to themselves and make the whole company look bad. finally wow is a teen game so all these jokes are common and nothing is a problem from a legal angle.


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