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Let’s have a casual conversation about the future of WoW Shadowlands. Will there be a 9.3? How will the story play out? Is there more to explore? I thought this would be a fun idea to entertain.
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#warcraft #shadowlands
even if its your head canon…………its great……… that……………………………lol
I doubt there will be a 9.3, with Ion's words, the delays, and the state of the story. And that sucks. It's not a great move. But even for a Blizzard shill and defender like myself, it seems very unlikely.
My main issue is the time beween new content releases and the ptr story spoilers that are everywhere way before anyone can play the story on retail…
excellent ideas
Thanks for the video! I love your scripted videos
I really hope there isn't a 9.3. I want to get away from the Shadowlands asap.
It took forever to get 9.1 out and yet here we sit thinking they have another expansion ready to go. FOOLS! 9.3 buys them precious time to work on the next Xpac, imo.
Whatever happens, don't be surprised when we fail to save Anduin and he becomes the next Arbiter as he will be a denizen of the Shadowlands.
Rescale ICC to our level and make it a progression raid for a filler
Personally I like the aesthetics and story in SL, so would happily have a 9.2 + 9.3! 🙂
I think they’re gonna test legion content to “ change realities
Doesn't seem very likely tbh :/
Just fix the issues with the game and make an awesome patch 9.2 and 9.3. Honestly they can’t really afford to wait until 10.0 to make the game great again. I don’t suspect people are doing to even get the next expansion if they don’t massively turn it around from 9.1.5 and beyond. Also, I don’t feel like having all the work put into this expansion just reset after 9.2 after they finally got their shit together. Gimme a good 9.3 before you ask me to pay for another expansion.
I am living in the timele that I wanted to live. I like longer expansions with extra time to do anything.
I quite prefer this over expac every two years.
Looking at how far behind schedule they are it's unlikely, but oh be careful, if you critique wow that doesn't conform to the fanboys narrative like the brain dead triggered Pixel Jaunt VR, you'll get edgy replies 🤣🤣
y'all there may be no company left, ole Bobby is being summoned to the SEC…the Blizzard's Legal Exec Gone…ship is sinking quick….
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'd much rather a longer 3 year expansion cycle over a truncated expansion.
I feel like they already have the answer to the “faction divide”… war mode.
If you wanna play with anybody and everybody leave war mode off, if you despise the other faction, leave it on.
SL is beyond salvation, so let's put it out of its misery.
Missed so much from the hospital this time, can't to to get back. Hey soul I need a guild where are you so I can join
I think its gonna be either:
the higher ups will push for a 2 year expac model because of money. Expansion releases give a lot of cash and returning players. I do not think that lore or content questions will be more important than keeping the cycle OR
the same amount of content like BFA but stretched to 3 years.
The patch time of shadowlands we have right now suggests the second option. But it'll depend on subscribe numbers. if they keep on plummeting they will scrap a 9.3 and do a new expac (like they did in WoD)
The Heart of Azeroth is the replacement for the Arbiter's Sigil. We get our own covenant and zone where we choose the best afterlife for our planet's peoples.
Considering the Federal Government is now investigating Activision Blizzard. I'd say they are gonna move on from Shadowlands as fast as possible in order to generate as much profit as possible.
Arthasville, classic…:)
A quest line to reforge our artifact weapons with Anima with help from Mikanikos of course. Possibly turning into a 3rd, no stat trinket and slot. Equipping it gives a new talent row with choice of you class' Covenant ability. It would be a nice SL expansion ending. Lore problem would be Shadow Priest. A means to turn legendries of all previous expansions into soulbound reusable enchantment for its' specific slot. Max of one. Two if you have that unlock from the Legion order hall. Three if you have the ring from Antorus. OH! Mr Kotter I know the answer! The HoA be the key component of new Sigil of the Arbiter?
If it happens 9.3 should feature a rework of Torghast into a proper Roguelike with half the rewards they would normally spread out across a new patch put into it. I liked the endless mode in alpha/beta and I would love to see them put some more work into it. It would also be nice for 9.3 to have a story/lore recap of everything we need to know going into the next expansion so we don't need to watch youtube videos to know what is happening.
I'd like Shadowlands to go to a 9.3. I'd like us to win and lose. I'd like Azeroth's world soul to die, but we off the big bad.
I'd then like a 10.0 expansion where we move off of Azeroth. We already have access to ships via the draenai. First patch we build ships ALA AQ opening while some big bad tries to keep us from escaping. Patch 10.1 we travel through space looking for planets while being chased by a big bad. We find a planet, we crash, we start building cities, uhoh the world is populated. We make friends, we integrate, lets really push this to something like they have a higher level of tech than we had on azeroth. 10.2 We use said tech to annihilate the big bad, we are free! WoW ends!
New MMO drops, rebuilt from the ground up, starting a thousand years later. New races, new classes, new gear, more futuristic, and our original character are all heroes of the planet and are memorialized via use of our account info. We literally see statues of our own heroes, and their names in quests.
in short; NO, too many delays and many are unhappy, 9.2 will be last patch then they will need to start working on 10.0 in order to show people that they've learned their lesson, an extra year in Shadowlands would be dare i say… Cataclysmic…
Considering that in addition to the State of California, the SEC and EEOC are coming after Activision-Blizzard with guns blazing, the more pertinent question might be whether there will even be a Blizzard …
I think Im the ONLY one on the planet that doesn't think FFXIV has a good story…?
LIKE ACTIVISION WITH BLIZZARD GAMES SO GAMIGO! ( ) #blizzard #worldofwarcraft #fireionhazzikostas #fireholinka #firewyattcheng ( ) #firebobbykotick The changes the developers were forced to maKe for 9.1.5 are just part of a cycle ( )! Keep the classic expansions as they were at the release to keep alive the nostalgia operation, do not add anything! World of Warcraft is not Diablo: stop adapting designs and concepts (example: 2 hand weapons to fury warrior, mythic +, infinite progression…)! No “Master Loot”, keep “Personal Loot” to avoid dramas but let all the items dropped tradable (even upgrades)! Resexualize the paintings in World Of Warcraft! Do not spend money to fight toxicity: it’s part of the game! The best expansions are: Cataclysm, Mists Of Pandaria, Warlords Of Draenor and Legion. Titles, mounts and gear should be given as reward for in game skill based achievements! Do not make recoloured mounts! PVP gear gated to rating always favored boosts since Vanilla! PVP must be separated from PVE and must have its own gear and stats! Developers must balance PVE from PVP and not viceversa! DELETE ALL THE TRANSACTIONS! REMOVE FROM THE BATTLE.NET LAUNCHER: CALL OF DUTY, CRASH BANDICOT, OVERWATCH, HEROES OF THE STORM AND HEARTHSTONE! THEY ARE NOT BLIZZARD GAMES, THEY ARE ACTIVISION! All the Legion Mythic + should be playable during the Timewalking event (and so should happen even for other past expansion dungeons during the specific Timewalking event)! Remove “War Mode”: there’s only World Of WARcraft, no modes! SPORT IS HUMAN VERSUS HUMAN NOT HUMAN VERSUS ENVIROMENT: ONLY RATED BATTLEGROUNDS AND ARENAS ARE ESPORTS NOT MYTHIC +! NO ISTANT CASTS, NO ISTANT HEALS: CASTERS ARE NOT MELEE! REMOVE FROM THE GAME EVERRY SINGLE COMMAND TABLE: WE SHOULD PLAY TOGETHER IN A MMO, NOT SOLO IN A BROWSER GAME! "BRAWL: COMP STOMP" IS A BOT PVP FIGH! IT’S MINDLESS! EVERYTHING THAT COULD BE PLAYED BY A BOT SHOULDN’T BE IN THE GAME, EXPECIALLY IN PVP! REMOVE “BRAWL: COMP STOMP” FROM THE GAME! MERGE ALL SERVERS! CREATE 2 MORE FACTIONS: Night Elf & Scourge! REMOVE TEH TRINKET “SHACKLES OF MALEDICTION” FROM PVP! REMOVE DUMPENING FROM ARENAS AND RESTORE “NECROTIC STRIKE” & “MORTAL STRIKE” IN THEIR OLD CONCEPT! MORTAL STRIKE MUST BE FOR WARRIOR ONLY! WHY HOLY PALADIN DOESN’T HAVE “REBUKE”? MAKE “GARGOYLE” AND “DARK SIMULACRUM” BASELINE FOR UNHOLY DEATH KNIGHT! RESTORE: Archeology, all the three runes (blood, frost & unholy) for Death Knight, Talent Trees, Glyph System (like in Wrath Of The Lich King), 5 vs 5 Arenas (and Arena Master title & achievement), Strand Of The Ancients, old Deepwing Gorge (and make the new one, you Devs created in BFA, 40 man), old vanilla/classic Arathi Basin & Warsong Gulch with their wonderful loading screens of art (at least make them optional or random generated when players join the queue), Resilience, Expertise Hit, Weapon Skill, Reforging, Presences, Stances, First Aid Profession, Sockets made by Blacksmithers (for every piece of gear) and Offhands for every class! Every piece of gear should be enchantable and gemmable! SAME FACTION BATTLEGROUNDS WILL KILL THE GAME! IT'S 20 YEARS WE ARE WAITING TO HAVE PLAYERS REWARDED TO QUEUE AS TANKS AND HEALERS IN BATTLEGROUND/EPIC BATTLEGROUND/SKIRMISHES AS IT HAPPENS IN LFG! WHY DEVS DON'T MAKE SOLO QUEUE POSSIBLE FORCING: ARENA 2'S (healer + dps), ARENA 3'S (healer + 2 dps), RBG (3 healers, 1 tank, 6 DPS with "forced" classes – like: 1 rogue, 1 DK, 1 DH etc.)? Remove: borrowed powers and pvp talents with damage modifiers! RESTORE: FACTION IDENTITY & CLASS IDENTITY GIVING TO FACTIONS SPECIFIC CLASSES AND TO CLASSES SPECIFIC SPELLS AND GEAR SETS! RESTORE CLASS SPECIFIC QUESTS LIKE THE ONES WE HAD IN VANILLA FOR PALADIN & WARLOCK (MOUNTS) OR FOR WARRIOR (WEAPON) OR THE ONES WE HAD IN LEGION! PLAYERS DON’T WANT TO BE HEROES IN A MMO, THEY WANT TO BE ADVENTURERS! THEY DON’T WANT TO PLAY A SINGLE PLAYER GAME, THEY WANT TO BE PART OF SOMETHING, THEY WANT TO PLAY WITH MANY OTHER ADVEDNTURERS! MAKE RBG'S 40 & 15 MAN! WHY SHOULD WE HAVE PVP CONSUMABLE ITEMS PURCHASABLE WITH MARKS OF HONOR WHEN WE HAVE ALCHEMY, ENGINEERING, FIRST AID AND COOKING?! NONSENSE! LET PROFESSIONS BE MEANINGFUL AND USABLE IN ANY PVP ENVIROMENT, RATED INCLUDED! IN WINTERGRASP RANDOM EPIC BATTLEGROUND PLAYERS CAN’T LOOT THE ENEMY CORPSES: WHAT ARE THE DEVELOPERS WAITING TO FIX IT? WHY AFTER A DECADE STILL THE ENGINES IN WINTERGRASP & ISLE OF CONQUEST HAVE SO FEW BUTTONS TO PRESS WHEN YOU DEVELOPERS COULD ADD ALL THE SPELLS TO GIVE THE PLAYERS SOMETHING MORE TO DO SINCE THOSE ARE ALWAYS THE VERY SAME ENGINES? In Shadowlands, Mages are tank, more than death knights or demon hunters: this is very poor design!