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I’m sure everything will be fine this time around… blizzard still care about the game? Yes… I think so… maybe? it’ll be fine I’m sure of it.
The State of Modern WoW
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Surely they’re listening this time. They said so, so it must be true?
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Surely they're listening this time. They said they have so… it must be true?
Come join the discord and pray with us with non stop discussion about the future of MMORPGs:
I thought this was a really well thought out video with some great points. Awesome job Narc.
Though I do disagree with mythic plus though. Wow always had an issue with players wanting to speedrun content, get in get out and how dare you if you slow me down 3.4 seconds. Mythic plus only seemed to exacerbate the problem by incentivizing players to rush at all times. I like the additional challenges they include but really wish it wasn't timed.
Wow needs to die in order to start over with better design.
ya WOW touched me in a bad place & i feel dirty … even herring people say its name in rages me i never bin to mad at a game in my life & its not because it a hard game its that its shity & litrly playes it self u dont even need any player skill or even a brain to play it sory for ranting enjoy your idiot slot machine so call video game heers some fan art for ya ,.i.. (><) ..i., 2 fingers up for blizzard
ya your right it was fun at the start till the devs started being stupid ass howes
im never going back brain dead tabtarging games r band
you think being surrounded by trash is cool?
I have high copes that this will be good. Just kidding, I quit Buzzard Deactivation consumer products before the revelation that they used the power of rape and harassment to brew up their games from the beginning.
Wow 2…clean slate, new engine, smart systems, everyone starts fresh at zero. It's time!
Or you know, maybe we enjoy the world, stories, community and gameplay?
Look the reality is this are mental people developing our fav game .not the old classic wow team . This are lgbt or whatever people , sjw basically new generation. Their creativity is minute ,nothing compared to the classic team . They are more worried about what new pronoun to identify as not what would make wow more fun or innovative. Sad truth idc if it’s controversial but its reality and am not staying quiet anymore.
I agree narc. I played wow wotlk and cata, became 3rd ranked Shaman in the armory of our server. After leveling each class and a few professions. It became my "safe place" but I was bored in it.
Now the same Guild wars, except I have a legendary that I'll never finish and a new expansion that is kind of not interesting.
I came back to wow boa. Culture shock. The grind to get flying Mounts in the zones like, what the heck. I followed the story line all the way from cata (where I left off). The empty world.
Now they act like functionality of flying is great, gw2 has had that for years. I wouldn't even mention it, just implement it.
I do feel like blizzard has become the Hollywood of games… no new ideas just regertaed messes. Que the female protagonist.
Pro wow hater here all i can say is Dragonflight will be wow best selling expansion let be real shadowlands was there best selling even with mid marketing and all the Stockholm Syndrome player care about is the marketing them yelling look at all the stuff we steal from FFXIV/GW2 will get most of them back.🙃
you literally do the same thing with ashes of creation that wow players do., " this mmo is going to be different"
"Dragussy" is Dragon Pussy. Just thought you should know.
God, I still remember starting my Night Elf Druid and being complete, absolutely immersed in Darshore and Ashenvale. The trees that blotted out the sun… Nothing like it since.
Don't wow players have to think of 10 different things tho, since there are bazillion levels of the borrowed power by now? Not mindless, just long forced chores, basicly a second job. That's why everyone leaves, because unless you are 15 then you don't have time to do this shit. At least in MOP/WOD you could just log in to queue PvP. Now literally not worth the effort.
The devs have talent as most of them a gone because Corpo-headed-profit-mongers destroyed their power to create great content. Facts matter? Control freaks destoryed Wow.
For everyone who grew up playing GOOD blizzard games, we all want wow to be good. Deep down in our bones we hope and pray god comes down and just makes it good again. The problem is blizzard took advantage of all of us and used our love to get us hopelessly addicted. I was watching an asmon video the other day and just listening to him talk and I clearly heard addiction talk at me from behind the human facade. It was chilling. I said I might consider playing dragonlands after some time has passed to see if it is good, but it would be like an alcoholic walking into a bar. Would I have enough self control to keep clear judgment or would they suck me back in?
WOW has run it's course, it's only alive cause it's in a genre where it has very little competition.
If you don't like the anime style of FF what other options are there?
I'm not playing WOW right now cause i love it, WOW is what it is and i don't expect it to change, i'm playing it cause there are no other options on the market.
I think if WoW should have a shot at returning back to glory, is to nuke what they got and make a WoW2, return back to be community focused enhance the diversification of content, so raiding is not the end and be all, and it seems Dragonflight is the right step in that regards.. but the standards has to be higher.. it’s a monthly sub for a single game, it’s alright to demand a premium experience.
Oh, holy crap, Kotick's beady little eyes really ties it all together in the intro. 🤣
I think you lost some of the more major points of the game decline and whats the prolem been (especialy with the last expack the had) and put to much value on some that dont really mater
glad you brought up itemization, I think it's an underappreciated fault of modern wow. while it never had the depth of a game like diablo 2 the current system has been streamlined to redundancy. all that matters is the ilvl, all gear is the same. it's so damn boring.
I totally agree with the bull shit they have thrown at us for quite awhile. The ONLY thing different about this time is they actually have to try. New MMOs are starting to come out especially with ashes and riots mmo – that… they have to have a win with this. My optimistically speculate WoW nerd in me really wants this a win. I quit the last two expansion and i dont know if i can handle it again lol
I think the last good expansion was WotLK and even then WotLK was already showing symptoms of the things that were to come. To be honest I feel like the only reason I didn't play on the official classic servers when they came out is because I don't like that they were hosted by Blizzard. That might be an unreasonable reason given Blizzard owns the copyright for the game but I just can't trust them not to fuck with me, even if the content is old. I don't trust them not to psychologically exploit me when my guard is down and if I had played on a Classic server I knew I'd be vulnerable mentally.
Tried wow for the first time a few months ago. Game sucks 👍
I can't dislike WoW, they are the reason I studied so hard to go in IT field, a 24 y/o bachelor in a studio with a folded up mattress as a gaming chair, lol and living on cup of noodles, not sure if I care any more if the game is ever good or not, the game gave me a reason to do something productive to eventually get a good job, it worked and wouldn't trade the way things turned out. Although I never ended up working for them as I had always hoped, its cool they are still around to watch these videos.
just playing though it all…………. it be shit.
the gear lvl are bad. like 5 defc for lv
1 plate! for new Peilles.
did a qust with night elf got the same staff but different skin.