World of Warcraft | Dragonflight Official Announcement Cinematic Trailer

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Revel in the power of dragons.

– New Race & Class: Dracthyr Evoker
– Talent System & Professions Revamp
– New Feature: Dragonriding
– User Interface Update
– New Zones, Dungeons, & Raids

Learn more about the latest expansion in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight at #Dragonflight #Warcraft


21 thoughts on “World of Warcraft | Dragonflight Official Announcement Cinematic Trailer”

  1. Worst cinematic ever. It looks like a complete different game. Where are the orcs and humans, drama, war scenes, other fantastic creatures ? etc. It really feels like Odyssey with dragons.

  2. I have many question. Who is rock guy and why should I care that he closed some tower? Why did the dragons fly in at the end and save rock guy? What is the relevance of the 1000 years before clip and why did the king rock guy close the tower? Why are the rest of the rock guys frozen still? Why are there so many clips of rock guy climbing stairs? This has to be the slowest and lamest wow cinematic yet. Couldn’t care less about the characters in it cos they not key characters. It doesn’t explain what the expansion is about other than show that there will be some dragons in it.


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