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Time to dive into the latest patch for World of Warcraft, Patch 10.1, covering everything from alt-friendliness to Mythic+ to outdoor content and more.
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If they stop with the radical class changes from now on once the new system settles, stick with it, and cut down on the Californication I might actually pick up the next expac.
Biggest issue with world content right now is it's all designed for a busy shard – as someone who plays at a quieter time at night on a low-pop realm, I can't even get groups to help me kill the mythic dungeon-level rares, and the ZC zone events take like 10 minutes to complete or more.
I wish they'd design these things to dynamically be faster/easier if the zone has few players.
Can I just remind you of the the word 'gone'.
when they build a strong foundation, it creates a great game
I dunno. Dragonflight seems like it has some great decisions, unfortunately coupled with some really awful ones.
The announcement of Warlocks coming to all races — including the freaking Lightforged Draenei — kind of reeks of a complete disregard of their own lore, in a vain attempt to drum up a few more subs. It seems insane that when the entire community praised Legion for its focus on Class-Fantasy, Blizzard has seemingly completely ignored that and shifted to making classes as generic and meaningless as possible.
And of course, there's the Dracthyr. Even at the expansion's announcement, they were met with a poor reception from the entire community. Everyone was saying the same thing: "Cool idea, but they don't look right". Again, Blizzard ignored obvious community feedback, shipped the race in a half-assed state (one gender, basically no transmog, and limited Visage options). The CLASS of Evoker has clearly been great, but the RACE of Dracthyr reflect poorly on the game as a whole.
It's clear the Devs are working their asses off, but there's clearly no concrete, cohesive vision for the game. I think the gameplay aspect of WoW is certainly very strong, but the narrative direction has been abysmal for several years now. They don't seem to really know what they're doing, and poorly thought-out changes like "Lightforged Draenei Warlocks" feel like Blizzard is snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
So I love all of the changes, the constant updates, the developers listening to criticism.
So this thought doesn’t change the enjoyment that I’m having but I can’t help but think many of these things being introduced were planned features for the xpac release that weren’t ready so blizzard just decided to not mention it and shipped it when it was ready. (Third evoker class, gearing upgrade changes etc.) it’s not even a complaint, just an observation that blizzard is evolving and not over promising.
How much are you YT guys being paid to shill? I don’t know what game you are playing, but it’s not the same game I’m playing. 10.1 is horrible, childish, and has no story. More than half the patch content is broken and still is. The gear system is a nightmare. The open world content is a joke, it’s recycled boss rushing and sniffing farts. I mean, you focus a lot on M+ and raids, good for you. Maybe that’s super fun, but there is a large number of players that doesn’t like or play this content. The rest of us are out of luck.
Great patch, crest system might be superior to all other systems. It encourages higher IO players to run lower keys, it also encourages players to finish a depleted run. Could it be fine tuned, yes, but I still think it’s the best gear system we’ve seen to date.
Can we get more talent load out slots in game, 10 is lame I have a build for each dungeon alone … 🙁
Huge W. Gearing feels great this tier. I feel like I have CONTROL over it for once!
Hopefully Archaeology makes a return. But with actual fun gameplay where you can actually go on dynamic digs like that new activity in Loamm where you find maps and can find new dig sites to explore.
"gearing is pretty much solved".. wrong
I like the Zaralek caverns, but farming the keys are whatever.
This expansion has been a great success for me, apart from hitting a boulder with a red message, when flying in or out of Zaralek Cavern.
Between Dragonflight and Diablo 4 I'm really starting to feel like Blizzard is actually shifting into a much better, healthier direction. And I'm thrilled to be here for it.
LOL @ people who literally raged because they had to wait an extra week to get a new dragon skin that does the same thing as the old dragons…
Lol game is shit.
I'm hoping one day blizzard will eventually let every item in the game be upgradable. If you liked a trinket from an expansion, years ago. Like desthrbingers will. You can spend resources upgrading it to current content. It would be so interesting to see old trinkets return in full swing.
The New raid mount is not mythic only, it has a 100% drop Chance on mythic and on the other difficults the same as the last mount drop
either i am just dead tired, or you are talking way too fast for my brain to comprehend, in this video.
13:00 yes make the old old context useful, miss my legion days 😅
Don't bother subbing until June 13th because thats when you can actually get rewarded for playing, not getting cucked week by week and putting in twice the effort and time as others just to get half the results (OR NONE)
blizzard shit canned OW2 PVE
yeah, i mean even i came back to WoW and last time i played was 2014.
this is without a doubt the best version of WoW yet and i urge all of you who quit to give the game a try again…
I want regular flying and if we don’t get it soon……well….I’ll just keep doing stuff in the old world instead, hah.
I would add more activatable rares – the main dragon isles have rares that spawn on timers, but also rares that appear with events, ones that appear if you kill a lot of mobs in certain areas, and forbidden reach had those you could craft an item to summon the rares. Doing only the time based rares is really lame. And quite frankly I don't think much of the small special events, they aren't very rewarding or engaging. There was an attempt. lol.
MoP was so much better than Legion. If they had just made Harmony not soul bound or at the very minimum account bound instead of soulbound, it would have gotten rid of the only real mess up they had back then.
its ironic cuz wow pvp balancing is probably the worst its been in a long time even with the constant updates, we still get the most FOTM specs weve ever gotten in wows history, and the classes that are at the bottom literally just disappear for months and arent played by anyone except the most die hard
and my class has like 20 dead talents and got nerfed even tho its the lowest performing melee in the entire game currently and has had the lowest representation of melee for about 3.5 years
fuck this game boutta quit
Still not resubbing. Too little, too late.
I think there's a lot to like about the current gearing system but their is one issue I'm having a hard time getting past. I have several pieces of upgrade gear rotting in my bags because I can't break set bonuses. It makes it feel frustrating and disappointing in a major way for me.
Yes! Blizzard listen! I have really been enjoying WoW this to around. I love the updates for QoL features and cosmetics for base game systems and content.
I'm just digging classic HC SOOOOO much more. Haven't had this much fun in years. Asmongold said it best, there's just too much damn BLOAT in Retail WoW. 5Million pets, mounts, items, tmogs… NOTHING absolutely NOTHING feels special or earned anymore. And in classic I can FEEL that weapon / gear upgrade. An amazing feeling in an MMORPG.
The sad part is that so far the only piece of gear I keep getting is the shoulders. I know others are getting random gear. I am just the unlucky one
Zones should ahve a gw2 like meta event nad stop showing rares on the map and make them actually rare
So Mythic+ is a bit easier basically? For people who aren't average players or pros
only annoyance with the glyph on mythic only is theres going to be a ton of people trying to sell carrys to get it, for instance i saw someone trying to sell the razageth one for about a million gold, and you could get that in lfr lol
2:52 sangwine
For world content, I want outdoor "raids." You take something like the House of the Chosen in Maldraxxus (which was totally not supposed to be a raid tier *wink wink*) and either totally disable flying or implement the anti-air defense of the Obsidian Citadel and the Zeralek Caldera, but on a shorter timer. Stock with elites mobs that you only need 3-ish people to take down safely. Put "bosses" inside that have to be spawned somehow, be it puzzles, killing lieutenants, or some such. Let the bosses drop Adventurer-level gear and some stones and crests.
Basically I want context for my world rares, and some teamwork to make them appear, instead of just flying in a loose zerg rush to whatever pops up on some arbitrary timer (though a flying zerg rush in DF is a lot more fun and has way more spectacle thanks to dragonriding). I think it'd also help the people that are nervous of fully-instanced content, by giving them a way and reason to just find a friend or two to go on an adventure that takes more than the two brain cells we need to wail on a rare with 30+ other people.
I quit wow, at least for this expansion. Just can't get into these fruity tooty characters they got. Lemme know when the beefyness comes back
as someone who hasn't progressed substantially past MoP in content, I can't really relate to this. I have the intention of going through all the expansions, but aside from happening to go through the dark portal when Blasted lands is in "present" phase, I don't know how to get into any of them.
So why did I need to watch a video to learn you upgrade a slot so you don't need to redo crests etc…. why
DF is insane…its bad for my productivity 😂. Been playing wow since wotlk and lately gravitated more towards classic to relive the old days…got into DF late and turns out retail is better than the good old days now and I'm way too addicted to the game now 😂
Dragonflight feels different because i can do what i want to do the way i want to do it and then experiment and tinker to fix/change/augment/ how i'm doing it (specs). I have to admit, for me it rates up there with Wrath and Legion as far as expansions go, it's excellent.
"Gearing is pretty much solved" i am not convincedu cannot solve gearing. Community is too varied in opinion