World of Warcraft LOSING Players Fast

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39 thoughts on “World of Warcraft LOSING Players Fast”

  1. Wow is an old game and it’s not “fun” by any modern definition of gameplay. The only thing I personally find fun is heroic raiding (mythic is not fun for me because it requires M+ for prog). I log in to raid and I log in to grind what is required to be geared to raid.

    With that said, I wish you’d provide some sources for some of the claims you made while reacting to Bellur. Otherwise it’s mainly just opinion even though I agree with you I must give you that constructive criticism 🙂 cheers

  2. Yeah I was also kind of confused when they played up Xalatath as this 4D chess playing villain but she apparently wasn't smart enough to hear "I am not aiming at you." and just shield the thing with her magic instead of moving it into the path of the arrow. As for the crippled elf… I cant even remember a single thing she said in the story because it was like listening to Kamala Harris: "What has been cannot be undone by what will be." or whatever the hell she kept repeating.

  3. I had fun since i came back and enjoyed some of the new places but bruh casual play is ass if you want to do anything past delves like i wanted to enjoy this game but man they are making it hard

  4. The story is bad and getting worse, the lore is dead and decomposing, the hamster grind wheel hasn't change in years, the population is split in two now meaningless factions. It'd be a miracle if the game wasn't sinking. Coincidently the "WoW-killer" SWTOR went through the same decay just much faster.

  5. The best time WoW had in the first 2-3 years, before the first addon came. I was always more into Mass PvP, so was rather into DAOC, but the first years of WoW were also enjoyable, but then it somehow became dull to me and the graphics reminded me of a childs book.

  6. Female bearded dwarves that say there isn't such a thing as "gender" (Yes there is dialogue that suggests this just go talk to the barber in Dornogal) pretty much set the tone for The War Within, and before someone says "BUT BEARDED FEMALE DWARVES ARE IN TOKIEN LORE" This isnt Lord of the RIngs and I dont give a fuck, im tired of this shit. When you see this kind of rhetoric especially in gaming, it ends up being dumping ground for developers to push their own personal beliefs onto the players while ignoring what really matters in the game…..

  7. As a pvper it’s because the only way to play the game is to play a healer. Otherwise the game becomes a waiting simulator if you play a DPS. I have four hours to play a night usually and pvp q times are usually 20-30 minutes long if you play anything besides healers.

  8. Wow i never got into it especially because of the subscription models I paid for the game I ain’t paying for the privilege to play it online for a month I want access at all times if they did it like eso or fallout76 then I might consider buying extra stuff but if I see a shitty subscription model then hell no.

  9. Renown sounds like revamped reputation that you have reason to go beyond exalted to mask the fact that game has been daily chore farming simulator since that arena zone was released in wrath

  10. IMHO, there needs to be a viable Solo Player path that doesn't try to shove you into Multiplayer Content.
    Lots of us don't have the time to dump into Guilds and Mythic Dungeons. Once upon a time we could time sink and grind but now we've a family to provide for and work 50-60 hr weeks.

    I've been booted from a Casual Guild for being too casual and was going to be booted from a second casual guild simply for not talking in Guild Chat despite being an active member.

    While levelling an alt (In Guild) I'd noticed my initial character that was invited to the guild had already been booted.

    It kinda seems like the game has devolved into Streamers playing for content with their fanbases and diehard grinders.

    If you're in a Streamer Guild and that's the extent of your social life, you should be fine playing.

  11. It was very stupid of Blizzard to make Mythic dungeons exceedingly hard even in the early difficulty rankings and dish out the same item levels as an LFR raid which is braindead-easy. Healing for a Mythic 2 dungeon feels like playing on Nightmare while LFR is recruit mode with aim assist. How are you going to get people to do more mythics when it's easier to do LFR for the same ilevels? And don't get me started on delves. Like… wtf is this? Why did they make the challenge come with no meaningful rewards?

  12. still alive far i check does not seem to be plenty players around wow just somting other game dont just way raid everting art style just been play it so long again went classic feel good be classic

  13. Yes, the War Within has a storyline that a 10 year old could enjoy, but then again, those are the people playing WoW these days.
    Big brain people do not play this crap much. Look, most players are whining about a 13$ monthly subscription. That is worth less than 20 minutes of my time. If I jump around in Dornogal waiting 2 hours for someone to accept my Mythic+ application, or waiting for Blitz queue to pop cost me 110 $. Do that every month for 20 days, that is 2200$ out of my pocket. So for people that are not idiots, JUST THE ANNOYING STUFF IN THE GAME costs thousands of $ per month. And additionally, playing the stuff you enjoy costs more thousands of $.
    Only idiots can afford to play a shitty game, and that is the group blizzard is making the game for. And bliz hires low quality writers and devs that can make the down syndrome dream true.

  14. Because private servers. Im in turtle wow its alot of new players coming in. I can find group all the time even at low level and people are leveling everywhere. If it was not because of turtle wow i wouldve quit wow few month back.

  15. Guild I was in had Mythic+ requirements and I don't have that kind of time so I've become one of those players who just does the campaign, raid finder and then grind gold and farm xmogs until the campaign expansion drops. Total casual with zero effs to give.

  16. The design direction is atrocious, bloated class design, dull content design/cycle and story is downright cringe-worthy. I want war, i want blood…and thunder, smashing skulls of the opposing faction not relive Anduin's, Alleria's and other character's emotional trauma. The whole vibe of the game no longer feels like war-craft.

  17. World of Warcraft feels so feminine now and its just not the game for most dudes anymore in my opinion. The story is pretty lame. They are making every male character weak so that the women can take over or help the weak men get over trauma. Even one of the most masculine races, the dwarfs, are turning super feminine. The dialogue is so cringe sometimes. Feels like my mom wrote it about her feelings. It focuse is collecting crap and getting more currency for collecting more crap to upgrade more crap. The game isnt all bad but i definitely think its heading in the wrong direction. You cant even be a male orc anymore! I cant /spit on people as the walk by. They removed the Epic dirty flirts. Next they will take away farting.


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