World of Warcraft New Player Experience 2022

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World of Warcraft New Player Experience 2022

This video will show the viewer what World of Warcraft’s new player experience is like. You will learn how it feels to be a new player in World of Warcraft 2022. World of warcraft changes every year and so it’s important to show the new player experience from a fresh perspective. Erosium is an experienced WOW player and as a result he is able to give a proper demonstration of what it is like to play world of warcraft as a new player. Please enjoy this New Player Experience of World of Warcraft 2022.

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23 thoughts on “World of Warcraft New Player Experience 2022”

  1. Would be awesome to play as human during day and transform at midnigt automaticly.
    During the day you have human racials and during night you have worgen racials bonuses. 🙂

  2. I'm finally getting back into wow after 6 years of not playing, I've heard so many things have been updated and i hope I don't get overwhelmed! have they updated any of the features of the feral druid? my main worgen was one and i always enjoyed playing her and farmed everything for her. also noticed they updated the looks and textures for them, gonna be so weird to see her updated. and oh wow, you can choose where to start, that's new 😳

  3. As a long-time player that quit YEARS ago, my best friend and I are going to start ALL over. He's never played, but I want to share some of my best memories with him and share an experience with him we will remember forever.

  4. new2022experience warcriminalcraft racist game is lie propaganda to force players to kill nations.
    What is nation?
    Humans born without nationality, born without fascism, nationalization in childhood make them.
    False value, false enemy, false nation definition make false enemy, destroy value of life.
    Nationalist kleptocracy created fa, refuse value of life and human rights.
    Reward for worsening is kleptocracy support, steal reward system.
    Support nationalist kleptocracy, participate in war crime.
    Wikipedia false nation definition changed always.
    They kill for nation, they not know what nation is.
    Not can distinguish between race and nation.

    Golden toilet marauder hilterugend science academy economy, kill and loot.
    Big cost in money and time.
    Sacred satan religion war godless church.
    Killing for religion of peace, priest ten commandments.
    False race definition, false nation definition, make players to kill nations, made fa.
    Overpopulation family values.
    Booze narcologist barmen alcohol chemical addiction for children.
    Many program errors.

  5. keybinds are one of the most important thing: for starters keybind like that 1-5 (your core spells) and QERFVT can be used for other spells; after that you work with alt,shift or/and ctrl (thats up to you) and use it with 1-5 so you have modifier+ 1-5 and there you place your major cooldoowns ranking from 1-5 (how you do this is up to you)
    for interrupts i recommend using mousewheel click
    if youve got a mouse with mousebuttons – good, use them (and later also modify them with alt, ctrl or shift)
    thats a good basic layout for keybinds for new players that wanna get good quickly
    if youve got any further questions hit me up with a pm

  6. I am considering trying WoW again, but also wondering if FF XIV would be a good option? I played WoW 10-15 years ago once a little, and when Classic released I played a Warrior and got bored at around level 25-30, it was so slow and I kept dying to difficult mobs alone.

    I have a nostalgic feeling for WoW things it's so weird I never played it for much but I still have that feeling somehow haha.


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