World of Warcraft races in real life – AI generated

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Asking Ai to create the variety of races from World of Warcraft in real life.
Created with: Leonardo.Ai

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Outro music:
Music – ‘Right Here’ by Atch


20 thoughts on “World of Warcraft races in real life – AI generated”

  1. These look pretty cool, but they're not exactly accurate. The biggest problems are the lack of troll tusks and the wrong horns on the Highmountain Tauren. But I love the Kul-Tiran. I wish they looked that good in game.

  2. Nope. Eyes on the all the Elves, both Draenei, the Zandalari, and the Gnomes were wrong. (The gnomes were too small for their heads.) Dwarves do not have pointed ears, and certainly not at that angle. The Tauren's lower jaw makes him look like he's got some goat in his ancestry, and neither he nor the High Mountain had enough of a hunch. Plus the High Mountain's horns are water buffalo rather than moose. The Night Elf would more than likely have facial tattoos, the Nightborne's tattoos should have been silver-white. The Pandaren's head looks like it's jutting forward from the neck, and they would be more upright. The Orc, and both of the Trolls should have tusks, and they have none. The Kul Tiran should have had much more mass. The Dark Iron's hair and/or beard should have had some glow-y redness to it. The Human and the Goblin looked right, though.

  3. Looks like AI never had access to what the races really look like in game or in fantasy realms in general and only has human faces to go on. These all look human to me. Beautiful art though, truly.

  4. I don't understand why they don't give the AI the WoW images and combine them with these generated ones to make them look 100% real. I assume this is the paid for version of the AI since free ones can hardly generate anything.

  5. Sorry but The Dracthyr IRL is not even close to the real thing… had to be said sorry if I offended anyone, I main a Dracthyr and have gotten attached to her to which this is nothing like her.

  6. Not bad for AI. I like the gnome a lot; they look more like an actual person and less cartoonish. The tauren and troll interpretations were interesting. The undead was okay. Love the skin tone, could do without a nose and pointed ears (or no ears at all). As usual, the elves look really good. Even AI likes elves the most. To quote a certain YouTuber, "Why are there so many damn elves??" 😊


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