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Throughout the ages, mighty heroes have risen to defend Azeroth. Now, at the dawn of a new saga, the darkness calls from the very heart of the world.
The War Within expansion launches August 26 at 3PM PDT. Begin your WoW journey today with the Welcome to Azeroth Bundle, available for a limited time:
I thought it would be on consoles or at least available gamepass/ pc port.
I guess it's not on Gamepass.
Best thing was the dancing troll
Geez guys, you aren't giving us long to play Dawntrail!
Вот это кринжа навалили
FF14 works great on console, so absolutely.
with this trailer you would think they were gonna release it on console wtf
Dawntrail looks so much better.
Why was this part of the Xbox showcase?
Wow on console when
Console please!!!
Couldn’t work on console because you can’t use addons on an Xbox. Sick though. Pc wins again lol
Console 🧐
Cannot wait – bring it on!
Give into Xbox!!! With mouse and keyboard support
Mouse and Keyboard for console. Do it
I just wish they made an RTS again. I've never been interested in WoW because it's not my type of game.
Pretty excited about this one. Lets see what's in store this time around 🙂
how the fck they're putting xbox first party games to ps5 but not the ip they own from pc to xbox console?
I thought it will go on Xbox :(((((( so sad
Bruh you've teased me for 3 minutes only to then say "PC"
why tf would you post this on the xbox channel?????????
08. 26. 2024 – 888 yine kabala. Siz kafayı yemişsiniz
Ha! Pathetic!
Why would you slap Xbox on this? Seems misleading. Sure Microsoft owns Activision Blizzard, but what does Xbox have to do with it? Laaaaaaame.
Wow on console!!! Let's goooooo 💯💯💯💯💯💯
Do I have to save Azeroth? Can't I side with Knaifu
You've got Zenimax doing megaservers on console, so what's the holdup?
Black Lothar Loooooool
Maby next year or this year we might get it on console hopefully
Hopefully the horde finally loses people. The alliance always gets screwed over.
Hey, they actually include game time with an Expansion Pack! Finally making them acceptable purchases… unless it's only the deluxe ultra premium edition that includes it.
So this coming to xbox or what
Word we get this on consoles now I’d pay both subscriptions I
We need low fantasy, not this power creep!
This gonna upset the pc players and kill wow 😂
Just play it on GeForce now
☁Game Pass Cloud☁?
Quit showing WOW stuff because you made everyone thing that wow was coming to Xbox .
Lets save Atezroth from Microsoft
Oy vey! Who put the Nathrezim in charge of Paladin recruitment?
2:18 What the Heck… They have Avatars in WoW now?
Y’all think the “final battle draws near” line actually means something? Could this be the last expansion before WOW 2?
It can’t be rocket science to out vanilla on console
I'm a PC gamer to the end but I really hope this comes to console!!