World of Warcraft | WoW Should be FREE to Play | Nonsense

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In this video I tried to find an answer why NOT a Single version of WoW is free to play. It is actually crazy to me that even stuff like Plunderstorm or Pandaria Remix was locked behind a subscription.
I mean in general the new player experience or Trail version of MMORPGs are Garbage Nowadays.
Games like WoW, elder scrolls Online, Final Fantasy 14 or Guild wars 2 are bleeding Players and they don’t even try to reach new Players.
They are stuck in that ever repeating content Loop and Thanks to Gw2 even if there is no gear progression you are still running in that exact same treadmill.
0:00 – Intro
2:45 – Accessibility is Garbage
4:41 – Blizzard marketing lol
6:18 – Bleeding Players (Hot Take)
8:23 – Content Loop
9:38 – Conclusion
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6 thoughts on “World of Warcraft | WoW Should be FREE to Play | Nonsense”

  1. Only way they'd ever stop the subscription is by rebranding them as battle passes. But that's more work since they give rewards. While it ain't broke blizz won't fix. But all future mmos will have some sort of battle pass system instead of subscriptions.

  2. You forget one important thing. The day WoW become F2P, people will scream everywhere that the game finally died like every single mmorpg who turned away from subscription to F2P.

    what people think is more important than reality, Blizzard have living proof with Overwatch.


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