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Throughout the years of World of Warcraft, we’ve had a lot of bombastic moments and thrilling plottwists, but sometimes, there’s little details that pass us right by. Let’s take a moment to talk about one of my favorites!
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The smallest details I've found is the sound design for ambient noises. Like the haunting woods of Darkshore or Duskwood. The chipper noises of Elwynn forest and Mulgore.
I don't usually play music in game as a rule, but sometimes I do. Rushing to and fro, I pause sometimes. Just halt myself and look around where I am. Enjoy the sights, sounds. Even if it's a place I've quested through hundreds of times before.
And it's a brief respite, before I go off and rep grind or attempt to save Azeroth, I think it's necessary. Just sit and listen for a while and you can be surprised.
fucking love your videos especially as a newcoming player for WoW this is super duper refreshing
So, Genn subwoofed? Woof woof.
I was replaying stormheim last week and noticed this, glad im not the only one
The musical motifs for different characters (there is a solid example in BfA for Jaina) I can't recall which scene it happens in but there are moments with Sylvanas and Arthas where their themes also are used really subtly aswell.
Kil'jaeden's moment of regret when Velen calls him a monster in the Tomb of Sargeras trailer
The detail i love in World of Warcraft might be a little too known ,but the callback to Arthas killing his father in the throne room in Lordaeron/Undercity entrance ,the more you linger the more you hear the voices of the conversation between Arthas and Terenas in the W3 cinematic ,and if you pay close enough attention you also see blood splatters on the ground ,where Terenas's crown fell as his son plunged his cursed blade in his heart
Edit:Another one that came to mind is in classic ,when you walk in Scarlet monastery with the Corrupted Ashbringer equipped ,and all of the Scarlet crusade become friendly with you ,the small cutscene with Renault and the Spirit of his father ,the feels UGH ,and the small event with the "purification" of Fairbanks in the small room ,who tells you all about the lore of the Ashbringer ,both the blade AND the family and the tragedy that ensues, and the actual first time Outland was ever mentioned in classic WoW, it was something HUGE back then ,sad Blizzard forgot about the potential questline to look for Darion 🙁 thankfully we got him by WOTLK
MAN the details the art team put in this game is insane
That's actually such a sick detail.
That's a neat detail, to me the best details are the lil things you would find around the game that literally they gain nothing from having but they are still there that make the world feel more alive. The best example of this to me is probably having the dungeon form TBC "old hillsbrad foothills" actually be the full map of hillsbrad foothills and letting you explore it and find out what shenanigans are going on in that place at that period of time. Super cool stuff
2:12 ITS MEEEEE!!!!
we're at almost 5k, my boys come so far since i sub'd at just under 50. /sniff
610 do the thug shake
Trying to make Sylvanas scared or mess with her nerves is such a mistake by Genn. Nothing he can do can scare her, she's been though so much worse. It' like trying to mess with Garrosh by making him angry. In fact, the only psychological trick that actually works on Sylvanas is making her angry. She always does stupid things when she gets angry, just like her sisters. Also, despite Sylvanas being an elf, I think Genn is the older of the two. Sylvanas is only a couple years older than Varian.
What sells it as hearing him and not just dodging on instinct is that head cock before the dodge (where you added the !)
You can see the moment she picked up on his general direction. That and, you know, ranger general, likely still a decent tracker haha
I love that this showed up in my recommendations! You're going places, my friend! My favorite little details are just those tiny things like little birds or butterflies or fireflies. They make areas just feel so much more alive. -Elianna
There is a detail in Darnassus that nearly everyone considers. Something where the physics doesn't make sense. Inside the Temple of the Moon, there in a fountain that consists of a statue of the Priestess Haidene, the first Priestess of Elune ( not Elune Herself as several have speculated ). The water spills out of the large bowl on top and into the Moonwell but the Moonwell never overflows. How is the question that has never been answered.
I know this video is more about sound but since music is more or less just tonal organized sounds it fits. Basically one really neat detail I've heard especially as someone who has background in classical music and has studied music theory is that there is this really nice nod in the Stormwind theme that plays whenever you enter the city. Basically the start is the iconic theme we all know, but when it fades seamlessly into the background music of the city you can hear really subtle leitmotif from Anduin's theme Hymn of the Firstborn, it's played on flutes and is bit quiet but you can pick it up easily if you know what to look for. If you're like really into musical storytelling like I am, my interpretation of that specific leitmotif that I can swear was different before Shadowlands is that because it's played quietly and on flutes represents Anduin's journey from a proud noble and strong king of Stormwind into something more human and vulnerable, thus the instrumentation. Mainly since flutes usually represent femininity in compositions but they can also represent characters inner emotions and struggle if played in certain way. Contrasting that to the original piece which has the motif played by the brass section which makes it more representative of Anduin as a strong leader
I truely hope This guy blows up in the wow comunity great content
Now if they only would fix the in game voice acting cutoffs. I get WHY they did it, but sometimes it'll interrupt a cool moment and some good voice acting.
But minor gripe aside, it is pretty rad how they use sound in scenes.
Also hoping for you to skyrocket with these videos, they're really entertaining! :>
I clicked right away seeing Sylvanas!! This was really interesting thanks for sharing <3 looking forward to more like this diving into the art
I love that all the houses n shit in the game have elements that make them "Lived in" alot of games dont have houses for NPCs, alot of games do but unlike other games youll usually find beds and things that really emphasis that someone lives there.
It's a detail that pops up in this video actually. When there was the clip of the Dragon Whelplings getting taught at the nursery, there was one single Netherwing Whelpling mixed in. I'm just imagining a short story about that Whelpling, almost like a Foreign Exchange Student.
You know whats interestig about the genn and sylvanas cinematic.
We never see genn lose or rip his clothes when he transforms, so he intentionally went there only wearing old ripped pants
This is why it bugs me when people say they play with the sound off. There are SO many cool little audio details that many players miss!
One of the things that drew me into playing Warcraft was the art. Flying around beautiful landscapes and continents and questing while also listening to incredible music and ambient sounds are my favorite things about Wow.
In garrosh's fight with thrall he throws thrall to the ground. However he stops and goes to wait for thrall to stand up for their fight. Thrall uses this opportunity to catch garrosh off gaurd with the elements.
I HAVE to point the distribiution of herbs on BfA was a super nice detail, such an organic way to set the spawn points.
im a big wow nerd who doesnt care too much about pvp and more about the game itself, i love this video reminds me of myself now earned a lovely subscriber
5:00 To quote Warcraft 3 " A quick death? No, you're going to suffer as I did. " Nothing quite like following in the footsteps of Arthas as getting someone so dedicated to revenge as to hunt you to the ends of the world.
I've always watched Talesin's cinematic videos because they bring to light a lot of the smaller symbolism and mannerisms in cinematics. You're absolutely right that Blizzard have to do a lot of storytelling heavy lifting within these and it's impressive what they can pull off. I've always thought the Sargeras one was my all time favorite because it tells us so much if you've not paid attention and don't even know who Sargeras is at first sight.
Giant flamey guy- Who is this, some sort of Big Bad of the Burning Legion? He's clinging to the planet, so he wants it? (at this point you've maybe heard Sargeras mentioned but never seen him)
Aman'thul: BROTHER, your CRUSADE is over! (so the big guy is a titan, brother to Aman'thul, oh the BURNING CRUSADE is over)
I could break it down more but that's the idea. Even if you only had a vague idea that the Burning Legion had some sort of leader, by the end of the cutscene they clearly explain what happened organically within what is simultaneously one of the most ridiculously badass things WC had ever seen.
wowy I didn't know about any of this haha, it all makes sense now, ty for letting us know <33
oh this is awesome, i love that you noticed that! super interesting and i’m excited for this series!
So I play a Dracthyr. One of my favorite things is how the race was slowly introduced to use in Dragonflight rather than just exposition dumped like other allied races.
Going into the Forbidden Reach and getting to see how Neltharion more or less brainwashed the Dracthyr, making them fight to the death to see who was the best among the ones that survived.
The ones that survived, you may ask? Well, a trip down to Zaralek, and you see how the atmosphere tells you the lore. They show you. They don't tell. They let YOU figure it out. The art team lets you see the pits where the 'failures' were dumped and boy does it look like a desolate place. A foul put of this disgusting yellow-green, sulfur-infused ugliness with PILES of bones and oozes galore. Undead abominations barely aware of what they are attacking you. You get to see just what a Dracthyr is, and it isn't a pleasant thing to be.
It's such a haunting shift when you compare the Dracthyr you're exposed to top-side int he beginning of the expansion, who are these bumbling lizard-soldiers who are borderline innocent, freshly released from stasis and exploring the world… and then you see that they were victims of a madman and that coat of bright pastel paint was hiding an entire ocean of bodies.
But yeah, I guess Dragonflight was the silly, 'family-friendly' expansion, huh?
been around since the first video, love the content keep it up!