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Some fun games playing with the team I managed to get r1 with last season in skirms. The WW wanted to try and go 42-0 for his stream in skirms so here are some of the highlights! Hope you enjoy
#worldofwarcraft #pvp #shadowlands
The resto shaman hero we need but didn’t deserve
Would you guys be interested in seeing the entire 42-0 session?
Necrolord all the way?
Oh hey gg I was the monk
How has you hex no CD? 🙂
Oh hey!! I was the priest
Are the games so bursty now that it's not worth to keep the water shield up?
Would you consider using the TrufiGCD so we can learn what skills & order you're using?
Oh finally a new video! Sick games, surprised to see no RMP or RMPALA footage, seems like all I've been queuing into.
Is that ZugZogTv the R1 WW who created an insane in-depth 20+ minute complete WW guide completely free on his youtube channel?
Hello mate . What is your program for numbers looking ?
Hey lis, gear vid! Do you think you could maybe do a new talent rundown like you did in BfA, but with all the souldbinds/conduits? The Wowhead guides writer decided to ignore the fact PvP exists.
Any advice on surviving against MM hunters right now?
awesome vid. how do you get your floating combat text like that?
How do you have your party frames set that the priest was always the second party member and monk was always the 3rd party member?
How did you hex 4 times in a row?
42 likes 2 dislikes
Can I ask a list of your keybinds?
What is your healbot setup if you don’t mind me asking
Can I ask you what your target team member keybind is ? Your targeting is so fluid
Bro I must see your hex keybind
What is the current state of rshamans?