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In this World of Warcraft beginners Race Guide we are going to cover all of the Horde Races. First we will talk a little about why race choice is important in WoW, and the impact that it will have on you as a new player. Then we will go through each Horde race and talk through their racial abilities, both passive and active, as well as giving some examples of where you might use them and some potential synergies to consider when picking your race in WoW. This includes all of the Allied Races.
0:00 Introduction
1:06 Orcs
4:32 Undead
7:15 Tauren
10:22 Troll
12:35 Blood Elf
14:18 Goblin
16:32 Pandaren
20:06 Nightborne
22:16 Highmountain Tauren
24:20 Mag-har Orc
26:39 Zandalari Troll
29:57 Vulpera
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This makes me want to get the game.
Thanks for all the info!
Imma grind that gold to get shadowlands XD
Cannibalize can also be used in combat, unlike eating food which must be done out of combat, so if your class has crowd control, you can stun/root the enemy and then eat a nearby corpse mid fight.
Troll or go Home. /video
That's it, I am creating muscular mommy female orc
Thank you for all your guides I'm a complete noob so this is massively helpful
Tauren gain a whole 10% more base HP.
That is quite a bit and is a big deal for classes that heal based off their overall HP like Death Knights.
Trolls Haste buff is the most over powered racial in the game. That 15% haste stacks with all other haste boosting abilities and items such as heroism (buffs haste by 30%) which can increase your haste by a total of 45% or more.
Consider that haste increase how fast you cast, auto-attack, and reduces your global cool-downs. That is insane.
The Vulpera Camp counts as a rest XP zone which means it allows you to change talents and gain rest XP anywhere in the world.
This is great video!
I wish there was a guide like this but for RP
Could you do a comparison between Warhammer and Warcraft since you described this video so well only with the Order, Chaos, Destruction, and Death? like you did with Alliance and Horde!
And that's why I main a troll.
vulpera's camp dose 3 more things
1. It let's you remove the tarp on there race mount
2. It gives you a small buff when near the fire
3. The big one you can change talents with it like if you were in a city/inn
Tauren racial supremacist!!
Never play furry Vulpera, it will consume your soul.
Does tauren racial stun gets affected and/or affects diminishing returns in stuns or similar abilities ?
As a alliance rogue in vanilla I always dreaded attacking orcs as hemo, that 25% stun resist seemed to proc a fuck load more than 25%
After I deleted my alliance rogue before tbc and quit I came back with a friend 6 months later and rolled horde as an orc shaman but after level cap and feeding into the resto roll I hated it..
Me new main was a female UD warrior and I fell in love with the race/class and that became my new main. As weird as it sounds I had her hairstyle and facial expression look innocent and thought she was pretty for what she was. The fact that back then not alot of peeps chose a UD female warrior I liked it.. my warrior was a fucking beast and i loved my 1st tbc warrior.. i know in vanilla warriors had their issues but ya..
At the time ud female was the smallest avatar which helped somewhat in pvp. In vanilla my rogue main was a female gnome which when raiding was annoying.. its physically harder to see your toon in a mob of people.
I thought it was dumb as fuck to see tauren palas, priests and gnome priests but Zandalarian paladin….
They should just make every race have all classes, i remember on wow forums years ago when UD hunter was a joke and it showed the pet carrying a leg bone by the pet.. fast forward and now its real. Might as well make tauren rogues a thing.
The beauty before was picking a race because it contained the class you wanted,.. may as well make NE paladin a thing too.. fucking lame..
It was baad enough when horde got 2 choices for druid with tauren and troll.. now theres dwarf mage, locks etc..
I literally use to make fun of my older brother for playing this…now I make fun of myself for that time period I could have been playing 😅
I just keep looking at these videos. I don't know or seem to care much about the dungeons, I just love the races xD
I just love how the different races and gear looks, but with that alone I just don't know if that'll be enough to stay, I'm too hesitant qq
#showtooltip War Stomp(Racial)
/Cast War Stomp(Racial)
Goblins look so goofy and funny who wouldn't want to play one
25:53 – Curses, not cures.
Simple choice: Vulpera BM hunter! under the right Circumstances your Party is between 6 up to 11 members big. till today i just had 2-3 times where i was able to have a 11 member party in a fight(and that is just possible in a garrison raid except you tryhard and use Aeda at rank 2 reputation then she casts minions of hers). the trinkets share a cooldown when 1 of their proccs count. for counts: 1) your char, 2) domestic animal(it dont fight it's just there) 3) Fox 1 with active skills 4) Fox 2 without active skills 5) Leorasjh 6) 1 Frostwolf from the blessing stone procc 7) trinket procc 1 Frostwolf or the Elemental 8) Alphapet skill from the right skill tree(activated skill) 9) Guardian owl from the left skill tree (activated skill) everything following is just possible in your garrison: 10) Snowpaw(you can pet him after he is there if you have done the quests for its former master urukag) he follows you then through your garrison for a while 11) you can talk to your garrison followers to invite them to your patrol. they will follow you through the garrison and even fight when you start a garrison raid(1 follower at a time) … i always lower my settings before i start a garrisonraid sometimes it gets very nasty when the garrison fight starts.
Finally, the video on the good faction. Alliance is so meh, especially because most people play as humans. ZZZZZZZZZZ
Here are my ideas for horse race/class if I play world of Warcraft
Male Orc warrior/female Orc shaman
Male undead warlock/female undead rogue
Male Tauren hunter/female Tauren druid
Male troll shaman/female troll hunter
Male blood elf Paladin/female blood elf mage
Male goblin rogue/female goblin warlock