WoW Shadowlands 9.2.5 – Khorium Ore Instance Farming Gold Farm!

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Hey guys! In today’s video, I’ll be going over how to easily and efficiently mine for Khorium Ore in World of Warcraft by phasing in and out of Sethekk Halls!

Please make sure to like, comment, and subscribe to never miss my gold making videos that will help you become prepared for WoW Dragonflight and help you never pay for a subscription again!

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Instance Reset Macro: /script ResetInstances();


3 thoughts on “WoW Shadowlands 9.2.5 – Khorium Ore Instance Farming Gold Farm!”

  1. Something that would really help your channel is if you could do a series of where / how to farm the various rare crafting materials, or alternately easy to get mounts, etc. I know that when I'm crafting and I say, "I need gold ore" for instance and I go to the Auction and realize it is too expensive to buy in bulk the next thing I do is come to Youtube to see if anyone has uploaded a farming guide.


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