WoW Shadowlands Delayed | What You Should Expect Going Forward

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World of Warcraft Shadowlands has officially been delayed. We have received many updates regarding the Shadowlands Beta; however, many players were concerned with the current state of the game. The Pre – Patch has also been announced for October 13th, and players can expect the launch of the game to happen sometime before the end of the year.

Bellular Video:

Blue Post:

Live Stream (M-W-F 12pm PST):



50 thoughts on “WoW Shadowlands Delayed | What You Should Expect Going Forward”

  1. YES! I'm so thankful, I mean, I didn't believe this could be possible in modern corporate world where money decides everything.
    But I'm so glad they'll have more time to actually finish the game.

  2. I think mid November is more likely. December would be wayyyyy too long to be in prepatch. I think they are likely going to use the delay to fix a bunch of bugs and then do tuning as release comes out. I'd much prefer if they did tuning before release but I just dont see that happening.

  3. Stoopzz thank you man and thank to all of the beta testers which are working hard to provide feedback and help the game to live at its full potential! Thanks to blizzard for listening the community and working with it ! Imo that was the right decision and i am very happy for it! You can make first impression only once and if it is bad it will stay bad forever.

  4. I don't think people should be happy with this decision, Activision Blizz is a multimillionaire company that made a lot of money on pré sales and hype itself. Covid-19 been around for 6 months now, so if that was the problem or what ever was problem, they should've delayed the expansion earlier, not 25 days to go. Nah, straight up incompetence for me, just like New World. Yes it's better to delay than to release a trash expansion, but the way it was done is just wrong, again, in my opinion.
    Amazing work Stoopzz, keep it up bud =)

  5. As a Software developer myself, I sometimes wish I could get that extra month to ship a more polished product.
    This is great news for WoW, means that quality is still more important than dollars.

    My only fear is that WoW dev team is getting burnt, and these devs will probably leave the company after things stabilize.

  6. as much as bellular might be one of the best wow channels out there, there are times where he's overly cynical about the game ngl, some of the issues he said in yesterday's vid was fixed in the latest beta build, like being permanantly mountless in the maw.

  7. "And that bug has been in the game for months." This says it all to me. No amount of delay is going to fix the fact that Blizzard has deep organizational issues. You could give it another year and it won't be great.

  8. I understand your point on inflated rating/io in this long season, but anyone that takes 8.3 achievements serious in the future is a clown.

    Linking achievements from 6.3(?) turbo was laughed at and this whole patch is will be viewed the same by anyone worth their salt

  9. What rating you all achieved this season, means something. It required the largest commitment to gear ever and the skill to overcome others.
    Don't let this click bait artist say otherwise.
    Season 8 was 37 weeks.
    Season 11 was 38 weeks.
    Season 15 was 33 weeks,
    Season 18 was 35 weeks,

    This season started 37 weeks ago and will end week 38.
    Telling others their achievements don't equate to what you or others earned in the past… seriously?

  10. @Hi Stoopzz, big fan here. You should also have a look at the pve trinkets from the Raid in SL, they are looking broken af, NYA 2.0 kind of. Hopefully those won't be allowed in Arenas or we are doomed.

  11. Everyone seems to be bracing for a non release backlash that isn't coming . Almost everyone said it wasn't ready . So they delayed . Noaw is like omg they delayed . Let me reassure why this is a good thing. The last 4 weeks of wow news cycles was …. they better delay.

  12. Good they give themselves more time to iron out bugs. My concern is that period will expect solid balancing which probably will not happen as most changes done lately and from here on out will go live with little test data to verify those are fine.

  13. The general sense from the whole community is a deep relief sigh. The raid metrics and the pvp imbalances were crazy. Hopefully they will bring it up closer and fix at least most of the issues to give us a good product.

  14. As someone who seen your previous video, this delay better be a sign to fix the core issue of balancing class specs for both PvP/PvE; otherwise, this game ain't worth coming back to…

  15. Lets be honest its not blizzard anymore activision will bury wow this expansion..if you remember pre-release of bfa it looked way more promising and better compared to shadowlands and bfa was terrible…when i see those changes and things they present to us in shadowlands clearly shows they dont have clue what they doing

  16. I'm glad that they aren't releasing the game in a bad state but I have to ask: Would the game need to be delayed if they hadn't fired 800 employees? Also, they put themselves in this predicament with these Borrowed Power systems. I just don't see the game being ready even if they delay it til December simply due to the massive amounts of broken things in the game.


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