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World of Warcraft Shadowlands Cinematic Reaction, WoW Shadowlands Reaction, World of Warcraft Shadowlands Reaction
World of Warcraft Shadowlands Afterlives Reaction, World of Warcraft Shadowlands Afterlives Bastion Reaction
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So it begins…
Who else is coming back to WoW for Shadowlands?
Good thing she don't take us lol
We see: Genn is an old man. His reaction is just too slow, if even Anduin is faster than him. When Reverange got nervous, he should have turned into a worgen. But the main thing is that he can theatrically shout: "Nooooooooo! Sylvanas!
Youhou we will have to save princess Anduin
2 devs at Blizzard HQ:
– Ok Anduin is in chains and Sylvannas tries to break him just like the Lich King tried on Bolvar back in wotlk.
– Great idea but how do they get Anduin at the start of the expansion?
And then this happens lol, they just yeeted him away.
yoink, boy king ours now LOL
Kuma! What’s your costume gonna be?
E moja Srbijo svi od Nas odose
Genn does nothing and "Sylvanas!!!"
the worst SP ever.
Hey, NK, do you plan on reacting to the Black Temple and/or Naxxramas trailers by Hurricane?
never left lol, hope your well kuma <3