WoW's Latest Numbers Are Not Good.

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Early numbers are not comparing favourably to Shadowlands.

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30 thoughts on “WoW's Latest Numbers Are Not Good.”

  1. I have returned to the game, after half a year. I thought I would not be able to play it, with my I7-3770 and Gtx 1650. But on 1080p I can play on 8 graphics setting, putting the view on 6. While still getting a locked 60 Fps. It may certainly surprise you how much you can tweak and still enjoy the game. Slowly been collecting things for a Am4 platform upgrade, should last me at least 4 solid years. Second hand market is really nice for that. The game so far: I like all the changes, crafting is a lot better, leveling is better. The characters telling the story in game makes a massive difference, so much more immersion. The talent trees are lovely, finally i can make the character I want to play, how I want to play it. I have become a huge casual though. Just enjoying the story, alting, transmog and some Dungeons with pvp. I did not think I would return, but i am glad I gave it one more shot this time. It will take years to rebuild the player base, and many will play casually.
    Lots of people have settled down, got kids, got jobs or own a small business. Life eats up time, so relaxation time needs to be worth it. I can recommend Dragon flight, to anyone wanting to get into it again. Dragon flight has become my new favorite expansion, and I played from end of vanilla. It has been a long time coming, love BC, Wrath, Legion and Wod story telling. This is a really nice expansion.

  2. Raiding is boring…. It’s been 15+ years of new raid, get gear, rinse and repeat. Same old same old.

    Nothing has been done to improve on the old world, 99% of the game is old content and ignores. You basically pay 60$ for a new expansion = 1 new continent. Rest is old and forgotten. New players? Pffff who cares about their experience…. Anything new? Nah who cares. It’s been over a decade…. Change shit and you’ll see numbers….

  3. I was ONLY interested in Shadowlands because of the Kyrian Short pre launch that showed Arthas possibly being corrupted by the Jailor's influence with a possible redemption story for him – I DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT WOKE CULTURE"S perspective of "taking responsibilities for your actions when you're not in control of your WORST actions" (EVEYRONE that played AS Arthas in War3 and loved his flawed character and rooted for him right until WoW's Wrath expac and were left in ambiguous mystery were looking for a more concrete resolution about his agency as 1 of 3 conflicting influences (Nherzul & Jailor's overwhelming influence being the other 2) and Shadowlands RUINED that compelling narrative)…Arthas WAS the "Break Glass in Case of Emergency" Case…but they had to DO something with him to be relevant…

  4. This expansion as a whole is much better with gameplay and and the gearing, pretty much everything but the only exception is i feel the story, the raid so far is not that exciting in my opinion.

  5. I've played a bit got a couple of tools to 70 and just got totally bored. Can't be arsed with the rep grind and world quests…. teir sets are not exciting! So I've just unsubbed.

  6. React content probably cannibalizes the videos reacted but adds people like me who discover the channel and then stick around. You could see it literally make Josh Strife Hayes a thing. Narc is another good one I stuck with from Asmon.

  7. The fact you really dont have to raid for pvp gear skews raid numbers ilI think. Personally I havent started any raid yet, having enough to do and too many new specs/alts I actually enjoy leveling and no need to get trinkets or anything for pvp in raids.

  8. When a game relies on nostalgia and addictive personalities and not good game design it’s not surprising. The nostalgia was destroyed with BFA and shadowlands, and the alt unfriendly nature of shadowlands pushed the addictive personalities away. For the normal gamers, the game just isn’t good anymore.

  9. They definitely damaged their brand severely with BFA and Shadowlands. People will have to regain their trust.

    I also feel like with all the alternative systems to gain gear, less people feel inclined to raid and rather do world content and M+ for gear, rather than raid.

    I've done every raid in the past on Curve, but this time around, with the regular stresses that always came with raids, I just feel like M+ is more viable and enjoyable than banging my head in a raid.

    You cannot use raid numbers as a reflective figure on "numbers" as m+ is growing and the current open world content is amazing

  10. This is difficult to understand? Last 4 Xpacs, 3 were crap!! While all you Fan Bois, are touting how awesome dragonriding is, when reality is, it is NERFED FLYING, Druids LOST FLIGHT FORM, but the Geckos can glide!! Renown was supposed to be 1000 per rank, at live it became 2500!! 600 Cosmetics for the Geckos and dragons, and ZERO for other races!! AH being EXPLOITED by Auction House Addons!! No temp powers ( good thing ), BUT mobs havn't been adjusted for this lowering of power. My lvl 65 BM in iLVL 270 can kill a mob faster than my 70 BM in iLVL 380!!! NERFED damage. Unfinished XPac .. Blizzard "we'll fix it next patch". Selective classes OP AF, while others are in the shitter. Roadmap? Blizzard is known for reneging on their promises, do you really think this roadmap means anything? BUGS BUGS BUGS.

    Having said all that, Blizzard do seem to be trying to get on a better path, BUT it really feels like too little too late. AND, above is what a returning player sees, do you really think this makes them feel welcome?

  11. For one, they have a HELL of a lot more competition in the gaming market. Not just from competing MMOs, but also from things like indie games and AAA titles. The number of games available on PC today vs 04/05 is totally incomparable.

  12. A lot of people finally managed to have the WoW spell broken and realised how much spare time they have now. So even though they came back to take a look at the expansion, the magic is gone and they are hesitant to recommit to raiding.

  13. The thought of raiding in WoW now is like pulling teeth. After experiencing how clean and accessible raiding can be in FFXIV, it just makes WoW's raiding feel like a huge chore. I still enjoy M+ because I can hop in and play with my friends on a whim. But queueing up with a boatload of strangers and trying to tackle 9 bosses in a row is just like deciding "hm I feel like watching the entirety of a series in one go", I just know I'm never going to be patient enough to do that. But I would sit down and watch an episode, and then maybe another one, and maybe even a third one if I'm into it. Same feeling with raiding. I want the option to be done after a boss, or the option to continue, without inconveniencing 15-25 other people.

    Not to mention the amount of time you need to schedule if you're trying to do mythic raiding with a guild and want to actually progress through 9-12 encounters before the next tier. It's just not possible to live my adult life now and have time for that level of obligation, even if I do enjoy the content.

  14. For me, it wasn't even just the brand damage or a lack of people to play with in organized groups. I gave the game a shot, and had fun with the dragonriding and the talent trees. But I don't like the M+ dungeon pool, andi just don't enjoy raiding in this game anymore. So I did stuff in the world and leveled a few characters, and then cancelled my sub.

    It's possible they do something in the future and I have a change of heart. But at this point I just feel like I have better things to do.

  15. Blizzard spent a long time tearing its community down, if there is any hope for blizzard it’s years of hard work away , they messed up at to many things in to many areas for way to long . Many companies today are learning the hard lesson that their fans matter, and once you destroy trust , once you go down the route of gaslighting your fans and acting like general douches , it takes awhile to come back from that .

  16. The game is really good now but then mentality is not, when you say Hi to a party and get told to fuck yourself just from saying hi, and it happens more.often than not in pugs

  17. I discovered your channel through Asmongold reacts. To be fair, that's how I watch a lot of your content. Didn't know that hopping over and liking videos was harmful to the algorithm performance. But to be fair I also do watch some of your videos, including this one, in full separate from him as well. It's kinda just whatever gets fed to me feed first tbh. But some watch is more than no watch, so there must be at least some small value in having him react, no?

  18. I'm not necessarily trying to bring the most hopeful perspective to wow. I will say though that it took my guild over 10 days to complete normal vaults of the incarnate. It has also been an all-time high in terms of player ship and just a sense for health of the game in general. I think a lot of guilt definitely broke up in the transition from Shadowlands to dragonflight so it will take time to repair things but I think the game is healthier now than it’s ever been and if it’s gonna get better it’s gonna be because the changes that are making

  19. I believe there is more to explore on mmos other than just the never ending gear grind and pumping out new raids, it's just sad that that's not explored anymore


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