Xal'atath REPAIRS The Dark HEART & Brings NIGHTFALL In 11.1.5!

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In the next major patch we are getting the goblins and Undermine, however as you may know Xal’atath is the main villain and the main storyline and we’ve just learned from the interviews that the true reason we are getting the goblins is because Xal’atath needs someone to fix her dark heart artifact. As you may remember the original dragon soul was created by the goblins and this one will be fixed by them as well. From the roadmap we know nightfall is coming in 11.1.5 and the new horrific visions, which will ultimately lead us to the Midnight expansion reveal. Xal’atath will likely transform Beledar for good bringing the void night cycle to Khaz’Algar and through the old god blood we will get the horrific visions. So what are these new interviews and what do we know about the entire upcoming void storyline?

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]


29 thoughts on “Xal'atath REPAIRS The Dark HEART & Brings NIGHTFALL In 11.1.5!”

  1. Never forget that it is the player who is responsible for Xal'atath being around and not stuck in a knife. Yes, it's a buried side quest chain with the annoying turtle people in BFA, but yes, the players unleashed Xal'atath into the world.. so really.. this is all our fault.

  2. Another thing that needs to happen — because it makes no sense they wouldn't — is that the dragons and Naaru need to get involved by Nightfall. I know we just had the dragon Xpac but narratively it stretches credibility if they don't

  3. It literally says HORRIFIC VISIONS REVISTED. Not visions of nzoth, are we assuming the only horrific visions can be from nzoth? Not like Xal with her power collecting couldn’t be whose visions they are? Which would give us insight on xal past. What says it’s Nzoths visions again?

  4. 3:43 was she really caught by surprise? Even when I saw the cinematic myself I couldn't help but feel like she was putting on an Emmy worthy performance. She wanted us to feel better about ourselves for a minute to keeps us pushing deeper, and already got whatever she needed from Khadgar

  5. Horrific visions revisited… wonder if new locations like Dornogal would be the setting 🤔

    It would be "new" for old content being reused otherwise its just stormwind & orgrimmar again 😐

  6. I hate that 70% of the player base just plays the game to make fun of it. Omg xal’ataths feet haha so cool? Idk like go play a different game if you aren’t into the lore

  7. The Dark Heart litteraly beeing one of the most powerfull items, can be destroyed just by a mere arrow? But I agree, here reaction was genuine. That makes all of it even more strange….

  8. I am actually curious if Xal'atath plans to also betray the void lords like to me it is weird if she is planning a void invasion she would deliberately bring us to her, she already has old god blood and her own servants in the nerubians, she could have just done nothing and let the nerubians fight the arathi if conflict boosted the bloods power I mean even if they run out of arathi she could just get the dwarven 3D printer running like she managed to do anyways till Magni purified it, and essentially print dwarves to spawn kill for however long she needed, sure dalaran was full of energy but there's how many dead old god corpses I'm sure are full of just as much energy. I feel like knowing Azeroth is the prime world soul she wants it for herself and is just going to use us to basically distract her master and his forces while she uses the dark heart to try and take Azeroth for herself no more being a pawn and getting stuck in daggers for years anymore, plus dealing with us and vice versa both us and her master would be in no position to stop her actual plan.

  9. It would be cool to have a boss where the Void literally saps our equipment (like how Nefarian in classic would break Hunters' bows on the class call mechanic) and forces us to play with all skill, no gear.

  10. Anticlimactic exchange, interpreted in either Xal’atath’s arrogance created a blind spot or Valeria’s permutations are not set in stone & possibly obscured from Xal’atath. In Legion either under Locus—walker tutelage or in the overall narrative the light is forcing a single truth while the void is obscured by the countless possibilities superimpose on all. Xal’atath could be clinging to tightly to the path of victory


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