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This is a live video review of a viewer submitted holy paladin run for +12 Halls of Atonement in Shadowlands Season 1 of m+. I talk about what mistakes you may be making in keys and how to improve healing mythic+ dungeons. Don’t forget to like and subscribe so that you’re notified of my new videos! Read more below:
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I aim to create high level, yet easy to understand content for mythic+ in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands and beyond. If you have any feedback, questions, or ideas for new videos – I’d love to hear it in the comments.
0:00 Intro
8:10 Shards
25:00 Halkias
33:25 Echelon
38:34 High Adjudicator Aleez
41:50 Lord Chamberlain
Suggestion: When you take a moment to explain things like "Fel Dev", you should probably use their full name, "Fel Devastation". Anyone who needs such an explanation may not recognize the short name, and anyone who knows the short name probably doesn't need the explanation.
Appreciate the VoD review content Grom !
Lower key = more mistakes and to the general public more relatable mistakes.
I would say the best keys are a mix of +7~+9 and +10~+15.
God he had more uptime from the wings proc than from using wings. Apart from that he seems fine but pally without wings is really hard.
He also died with bubble far too many times. Use bubble to have one less to worry about healing, he's too worried about burning CDs and just dying with them.
I am a mistweaver main (feelsbadman) and I rolled a holy pala to be more useful to the raid with CDs and healer damage. It feels like this guy may be a bit new to holy pala as I struggled with CD use at first, especially which CD is best in each situation. I didn't see this guy use lay on hands once either but I may be wrong. He also is one of those classic selfless healers and doesn't look after himself enough focusing on keeping allies alive. I'm fairly new to healing but I am constantly thinking about my healing priority: tank > me > dps
43:00 this is why you don't move during that soak, this shit is bugged af
I have no idea what's going on here since my holy pala exp is limited to Legion mage tower challenge on alt I haven't played since, also the UI isn't really telling me much.
Although I do appreciate general tips for healing. I've tried healing few keys as druid so far.
well theres a podcast name, "chat under the cat"
I find fortified a hard week to use wings as there are many more packs than bosses and im still learning what they do and how hard certain things hit. Typically they look quite similar with minimal VFX. However saving wings for bosses is more straight forward, although i do understand you need to use it on trash too.
Can confirm. The DH is not very experienced.
"our friends", sry, but if this is a pug, in 95% of casese these are complete strangers that you will never meet again, not friends. Sad, but true.
Loved "oh no" == wings ;D
Thanks for the nice video
Poor hpal who shouldn't be in a 12 🙁
Hey Growl (Grom!). First of all love the video. A non-related question: in your guide on tank heals, you advice using a weakaura to track tank resources. Do you (or anyone reading this) have such a weakaura I could use?
Love the video growl! Watching this video gave me an idea. It would be really awesome to see you do a little mini series on tank healing specifically
Is this how NA scrubs do HoA? I would immediately hearthstone if my tank pulls like this
Its triggering me that he is worries so much about healing into beacon. Like everyone is at 90+ tank is at 20% and he is like, nah beacon will be fine.
yo yumytv i got your paladin vuhdo profile from but it is missing the bouquets that is needed for glimmer and such can you share those awswell (I look everywhere and couldn't find them)
This is great content and I love that you do these.
The program "voiceattack" could totally macro wings into you saying "oh no" out loud lmao
what is "devo"? I hear it as a tank saver, but i dont know which spell it is? (new to pala heal)
That Guild Wars music at the start <3
Any healer, though preferably hpal, analysis content is great.
its getting more grim harasment to tanks when overgeared ppl enter
my estatement i whant to call out stop that shit even on nm dungsssss
also when ur not wrong
ur vids are awsome