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Hey guys, in this little mini series i will be showing you some of the farms i would do if i were to start over with no gold in world of warcraft!
Please make sure you give me your feedback in the comments and please suggest more ideas for future videos.
#worldofwarcraft #dragonflight #wow #goldfarming #goldfarm
please continue with this kind of content. thank you very much!
You are pumping the content out I hope you keep this up man
The videos are good! Keep it up!
Great vids, short sharp and to the point! Subbed!
Next series idea zero- war within with tokens
Simply amazing!
Nice seris. I honestly didn't expect that. 😀 I hope you continue with such content. You're doing it very nicely.
Future vid ideas can be a video with the items you have favored and track the prices of and maybe one for you your TSM setup. Thanks!
Really enjoy the series.
But I can't help but ask, the guild name "The Next Dimension" doesn't ring a bell for you, does it?
Found a better one. 4 hours of work at shitty job, boom 2 tokens. Its not made to encourage play time, ita made to justify spending "such a small amount of money" for "such a big in game time save for gold"