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Carl embarks on a journey to recreate the experience a returning player might have in Shadowlands!
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#shadowlands #absterge #wowarena
surprised you didn't meet pika this session, 1.3k mmr is his favorite bracket to play in
I feel so dumb I never thought about buying the boxes to gear….
So I’m watching this video and I realize “Hey, Ohno is the name of that rogue? WAIT?! THATS ME!!” Lol awesome video. GGs
7:58 the Druid back peddle 😭😂😭😂
I thought they scale pvp gear?
Awesome series, love to see where this goes! Keep it up! 😀
Really like this series, very awesome!
Why Do you start out in the at 1.9 mmr.. Like that doesnt seem legit to me? just curious
What do you mean your eathquake Bugged? Ive had this simular experience with spells all shadowlands macros stop working Mid game?
Lmao I usually jump into 2s on my alts once I hit 180ish, usually goes pretty well
Enjoyed it.
Also saw some great LOS moves in the sewers. I definitely have a lot to learn but enjoyed all the vid.
0:26 I think you forgot 10 years of experience of playing PvP sir
I really want to try pvp but LFG raiding has kind of killed my motivation to do any content in the game bc of how toxic and unenjoyable it was. Wish I had friends that played lol
The biggest problem that makes this innacurate to the average player's returning experience is that you're actually good at the game.
My virginity regenerated after watching 34 seconds of this. Thanks man now I’m a freshy 🙂
Xaryu gave up on wow so i gave up on xaryu! time to watch u and pika
This is a challenge? Wow. That's how I played the game. You don't need friends in retail or classic, you literally just play the game.
Earned my sub! Fun video!
No friends or gear? Sounds like typical retail play to me 😂
pugged my way to 2539 Rio no friends no guilds nothing but solo gaming all the way. and now i have 2.5 ele sham ready for 9.2
how are you getting undergeared ppl at 1800… whenever i play 1800 it's r1 players carrying fully geared ppl.
Ahh, reminds me of MOP when Absterge scammed me out of 75k gold for arena carries <3
This video is soon to be my most viewed on the channel, very glad to see lots of people enjoying it <3 thank you all!
How do you hide achievements on checkpvp?
how is this realistic? he supposedly has ''no gear'' and is able to get the soul cinders to craft a 262 legendary
Sorry but looks like fake. Like you knew what players you need to look at