5 SAFE CLASSES FOR M+ IN 10.2 (Dragonflight)

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Today I run you through 5 specs that will be safe picks for Mythic Plus in Season 3 of Dragonflight!
GaleaGGTV: https://www.youtube.com/@galeaggtv
GingiTV: https://www.youtube.com/@gingitv
Hope you enjoy!

Intro: 0:00
Spec #1: 0:06
Spec #2: 1:32
Spec #3: 3:27
Spec #4: 5:07
Spec #5: 6:53
Honorable Mention: 8:32
Outro: 10:22

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45 thoughts on “5 SAFE CLASSES FOR M+ IN 10.2 (Dragonflight)”

  1. all good chioces tbh. its sad to see that elemental shaman kinda got screwed going into 10.2 mainly in the AoE department. Earthquake does horrible damage and blizzard has yet to fix that.

  2. I feel like this list only shoots for the obvious absolute meta instead of perhaps looking into other scenarios that could happen.
    There's no absolute way some of these classes will get nerfs later. Nonetheless we are ignoring the legendary, hence why I feel like the plate classes are not busted because they may be tuned with the idea of the legendary. It has been a common theme that classes with the legendary tend to be broken w/ it and require nerfs in other forms.
    I also feel like Enhance/Pally and UH DK should've been in this considering they're doing insanely well.

  3. As a main tank who maintains all three of the leather tanks, kinda tough to see Havoc being the king of M+. Bear's tier's set this season was crazy good, and the new one basically seems like a Warriors ignore pain. I'm leaning towards playing Vengeance, which is supposed to be strong in keys, just not like Havoc. With that being said, we don't have Havoc in our main M+ group so maybe I do get to play it. I kept up all three leather tanks, BM hunter, and Augvoker this season. Glad to see my two dps in there.

  4. As much I love hunter as a class, I dont think It's a safe pick even a tiny bit. The community hates it, It was dogsh1t in DF S1&S2, adds nothing usefull to the party and in 10.2. nothing changed at the core level. The class seems to have good damage atm (wich is good news ofc), but still has literally zero utility (we can not even lust properly) and struggle with staying alive. If you play with PUG most of the time you shouldn't even consider to main it.

  5. Sadly there is no "safe" early. People's attitude to copy high end m+ players' teams is crazy, offmeta specs are dead at this point. I mean you have to do +18s for max loot, its possible with every combination of specs but cant wait for +11 spams titled as "aug only". At least its easy to pick a class/spec to complete the patch: aug. easy invites, pressing random buttons and you getting carried. Other than that, delete aug 🤣

  6. Other than Aug (which I hope gets kneecapped in 10.2), I don't think there's safe picks anymore. You only need to consider playing meta specs if you're going for title level rating (and beyond) and want an easier time doing it.

  7. Hey mate, I'm surprised you did not mention Shaman here, especially after you've ben praising them so much in other videos. I'm still deciding whether to main hunter or sham next season. I've tested shamy a lot for last weeks and I personally find his utility on a different level compared to hunter and other classes. As sham, I like the ability to deal with all affixes very comfortably. The burst potential of ele is insane now, while enha's windfury is also welcomed. You also add some healing help with ancestral guidance & other abilities; And I did not mention totems yet.

    Also, what's your look on MM now after the change? Honestly, I don't like BM at all, no offence, but I find the spec overly simple. I loved MM but am afraid he'll still be very bad in raids. What do you think? So eventhough my heart wants to play hunter, the brain says no, go with shamy this season. I share your opinions a lot so your point of view would be very welcomed:))

  8. I'm rerolling to UDK next season because of the legendary weapon and the slight rework, but I'll still play my Boomkin for M+ and alt raid run in case my RL needs a Boomie 🙂 For healer M+, I'm still sticking to both RestoDruid and HPal because I really like the gameplay.

  9. I think the main problem Havoc will have is despite being insane, Venge DH is so busted and will 100% be meta in most keys. VDH was close to best tank last season, but bear was just too OP, and it got omega buffed since then. On top of way lower cooldown on CDs, talent improvements and strong damage and survivalability, it has:

    2x Sigil of Misery (~1 min CD) – AOE interupt
    2x Sigil of Chains (~40 sec CD) – AOE grip / interupt
    2x Sigil of Silence (~40 sec CD) – AOE 8 second silence
    An AOE Stun (45 sec CD)
    A melee kick (15 sec CD)
    Darkness (30% chance to avoid all dmg in an AOE)
    Imprison (can be used as an interupt)
    5% magic damage buff to group

    In a dungeon pool of many dangerous caster packs and vital interupts, ontop of all their other strengths, VDH is absurd – when you can cast Chains>Silence>Misery>AOE Stun>Chains>Silence>Misery to stop a pack doing anything for ~20 seconds at the start of almost every pull, you're eating good.

  10. I don't see how rogues bring good utility. The airborne irritant is a 1 min aoe disorienting effect and they have kidney shot on 20 sec CD that makes you lose alot of dps. Nobody uses shroud except in coordinated groups?

  11. All classes and specs are viable into the 20-25 range, beyond that, it becomes a struggle for certain specs since they're handicapped by better performing clssses that bring a more impactful kit.

    Likely to see dh/mage/rogue/evoker/sham which lines up with this list. I reached 3.1k last season pugging my way through and I can reasonbly say meta only matters in the highest of keys >+25.

    Play what you want and enjoy your game – tier lists don't apply to the majority of players. You can always list your own key and pick the meta yourself 🙂

  12. From my experience(im still a noob so dont go to harsh on me) im usually playing around +10 and sometimes with my uncle he and his friends play around +18 when they play with me,havoc dh,retribution paladin,evoker that buffs u,beast mastery hunter,frost mage, enhancement shaman and all forms of druid are doing insanely well

  13. Surely pugs will realize that warrior is super safe, reliable AoE and boss damage and can take care of their own survivability most of not all the time, taking stress off healers. Hope hero talents give them some serious PvE utility


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