9.0 Fire Mage Rotation Guide | Single Target, AoE & More! | WoW: Shadowlands

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Nightfae gang rise up. How are you guys feeling about Fire mages so far? Let me know your thoughts!

00:11 – Introduction
00:34 – ST Combustion Rotation
03:43 – ST Non-Combustion Rotation
05:44 – AoE Combustion Rotation
07:40 – AoE Non-Combustion Rotation

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18 thoughts on “9.0 Fire Mage Rotation Guide | Single Target, AoE & More! | WoW: Shadowlands”

  1. Started as frost, because I was so tired of fire in 8.2-8.3. But today tried some heroics with fire and it was awesome. It really feels good that you have different rotation for AOE) Phoenix in baseline is so good. But I still think that Blizz should add 3 stacks of fireblast into baseline and make this talent row meaningful

    Btw, what is the best spec for torghast in your opinion?

  2. Have anyone gotten the firestorm memory for the legendary from HoA? Am at 30 runs in and still nothing…. ive been spamming normals while am saved on hc and mythic, do i run with another legendary meanwhile next week or shall i just wait till i get it?

  3. What do you think about entering burst with fireball and activating combust midcast? I mean I won’t enter with 2x cascade like this but my cascade buff will extend for more because I’ll spread the fireblast use over a longer period of time

  4. I've been jumping straight into combust after the first pyro not casting another fireball in-between and forcing the noncrit scenario to be a crit everytime casting combustion with 0.3 seconds left. Is that suboptimal? It definitely seems to bang

  5. Why do all guides insist on precasting something and then have a 0.1 sec decision window whether it critted or not? How big of a difference would it be just to combust at the end of that precast spell (thereby guaranteeing it to crit) and then start the combustion with only one fireblast? Does this significantly lower the value of the opener?


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