9.1 Frost DK Advanced Obliteration Guide (Shadowlands PVE)

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Edit: Realised Pelagos soulbind tree was slightly off, should be picking up better together.

Hi guys, today I’m talking you through the Frost DK Obliteration guide. Covering everything you need to know to excel as big Obliterate hitter!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/b1cepspump

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WeakAuras: https://wago.io/SPfgMYNpe

My Guides:

Do consider becoming a patreon if you fancy! https://www.patreon.com/bicepspump

00:00 Intro
00:50 2H vs DW
01:30 Talents
01:50 Core Rotation
03:26 Pillar of Frost Window
04:30 Cooldown Macroes
05:52 Haste Breakpoints
06:48 Opener
08:00 Pooling
08:40 Other Cooldowns
09:30 AoE
10:00 Covenants
11:45 Stats
12:00 Trinkets
13:04 Legendaries
13:20 Shards of Domination
14:05 Conduits
14:35 Consumables
14:55 Outro


24 thoughts on “9.1 Frost DK Advanced Obliteration Guide (Shadowlands PVE)”

  1. Dabbled in 2h frost at the beginning of SL. And am now fully frost 2h obliterate build. Love it, the smoothness of the rotation , and how fast and fun it is. Great guide

  2. Hey Biceps, I have a few very specific (and probably minor) questions about the dual wield rotation, mostly a couple edge cases but also to maximize the Remorseless Winter damage. I've been wondering these for a while so hopefully you know the answer to them, but I guess "that's not important enough to focus on it" is also a valid answer.

    1 – What's the priority for procs? If I get both KM and Rime am I right in using Rime first if it doesn't waste resources? And does any proc take priority over RW (or the other way around, should I hold a proc for a couple GCDs while RW comes off CD, to benefit Gathering Storm?)

    2 – If Remorseless Winter's cooldown gets "desynced" with my Pillar, what's the best course of action? Is it reasonable to wait an extra 5 seconds before casting Pillar while RW comes off cooldown?
    2.1- IIRC I shouldn't cast RW during Pillar, as it's a "wasted" GCD during the burst window. So if I don't cast it before Pillar its CD will be off by 8 seconds. After that happens, should I delay a RW cast so that the next one can benefit from Pillar/ERW?

    3 – How big is Chaos Bane for the overall damage? Is it worth holding PoF if I'm at 14 stacks, to get the maximum benefit?


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