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Heads up, Raiders! We’re planning balance changes to the Iron Twins Fortress, the Sand Devil’s Necropolis, and the Phantom Shogun’s Grove. All these Dungeons should become a bit easier and more accessible to players.
Give back Gnut Fusion for those who miss him
Looks more like placing fear debuffs on bosses
His dad NEEDS a buff
Gift us a Gnut for your 15th Birthday!
Sheeet i don't even have a single dwarf legendary! Not one, maybe it's because I don't s**k d to get money for the game.
Make it manageable to beat with any champion not just one .
lol is the rebalance making it harder aka even more nuts required 😅
Not everyone has Gnuts
Urogrim was the ColdHeart of Epics. With this silly logic ColdHeart needs to be nerfed. 😂😂😂
I can easily argue Bad El being better than pre-nerf Urogrim. Bad ell had shorter cooldowns, Team cleanse, team damage buff. Urogrim had an extra poison. So he was a more focused poisoner. Bad Ell was a more focused team support.
Based on this guys logic Taurus needs a Nerf compared to Bad El….. what a boob 😅
Gnut is bae
Lmao shogun was shit scaredless of gnut.
그누트 주냐!!!!!
How do you get him?
I feel bad for Raid, took them 15yrs for their Gnuts to drop..
Yeah these bosses are such trash. Seems like the boss designers need help.
Please tell me i can finally beat that dang rhino in the Doom Tower
Whats the ETA on this?
Don't rebalance it – just give Gnut to everybody
Самая отвратительная игра в которую я играл . Игра в которой от тебя зависит почти ни чего. Боссы проходятся героями которых не дают и не выпадают с осколков ,ресурсы крайне ограничены и нужно заранее знать что куда и как .играть на максимум даже не все донаты могут , т.к. донатить нужно на много больше чем представляешь
Lol i still wont be able to do sand devil without it crashing on its first skill
그누트가 드디어 약해지는건가?
omg this is such a nice video 😀
So they only nerf Gnut? Trunda keeps still broken damage and is only hero for hydra along acrizia. PvP only need UDK, Marischka and Taras so if you dont have these. Nothing to play. They rebalance Dungeon which is OUTDATED anyway. Good luck with it.
they are making it too easy
You are so mean 🧌🧌🧌