War Within's New Features Are A Gamechanger For WoW

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Check out the LG Ultragear 27″ 240hz OLED, my new favourite gaming monitor! https://bit.ly/3r7b6tB Sponsored by LG Ultragear. It’s time to talk about the future of World of Warcraft, and the new features coming to The War Within.


49 thoughts on “War Within's New Features Are A Gamechanger For WoW”

  1. Dude you’re gonna grift now and then when It comes out you’ll make 100 videos about how bad it is and how wow is over for good. A thousand hours of video and 0 substance as always

  2. My favorite part so far is the warbands. Does this mean I can finally get rid of my guild bank alt? No more spending half my time sending stuff to other toons and organizing crap ❤

  3. It seems they learned or rather they were taught a lot from Lost Ark. What's crazy Bell (since you mention this phrase quite a lot in this video) is that the company that has been making the most money out of all the gaming companies for decades individually, has already displayed an extreme amount of 'laziness' for years and seems to be anxiously waiting for another gaming company to release something amazing to implement in WoW so that it seems better, updated and relevant.

  4. Idk about anyone else but I'm so excited about solo que rbgs, I've been burned out on m+ for awhile now, it's so boring and frustrating if you don't have a static group. Waiting 45min+ to find a healer or tank for your key isn't fun or in any way enjoyable. Especially when there's a solid chance you're going to brick the key and drop it a level anyways. It's going to be so nice having something else to do at endgame that I can just que and chill with

  5. I quit around battle for Azeroth and I’m pretty sure I’m coming back to Azeroth for this xpac, it’s funny too when I originally started play I started right after Lich king’s final patch released

  6. id love to see them add a way to solo raids and dungeons even if at the cost of reduced loot and xp.. a story mode if you will where your strictly doing it to follow the story that led you there during the journey and not having to chat and hope that others will want to team up.. or wait two expansions later to be able to go back and solo them easier.. that or at least make it so the dungeon/raid group finder queue system allows you to pick and choose from ANY raid or dungeon like most other MMO's such as elder scrolls online do. giving you the choice to then get a daily bonus for a random queue joining or be able to pick the one you need specifically and join the queue that way instead of being only available ones being from the current expansion in current case Dragonflight ones

  7. All the new stuff looked really cool, especially delves, but the not allowing people to play for three days unless they pay nearly double really sucked a lot of the excitement out of it.

  8. There's no something called game changer until they change the game into free to play, the number of subscribers in wow will continue to decline no matter what, since there's a lot of good competitive PvP games out there that are free to play and fun…

  9. I really liked Thorghast as a mostly solo player, but I could not get better gear through Thorgast. For that I had to do other things. If Delves is something I can do solo and gear through, and especially if I can play it with one or two friends (no chance I will have four friends playing WoW these days) then it might be the thing that brings me back.

  10. You put out a video before saying people were bored of videos about how easy things have been made for gearing, for alts, etc. I think part of that may be the over-use of terms like "game changing." Just putting it out there. When you use them in the title, all I see are hype words and I ignore them.

  11. On the subject of war bands, would this mean that anything that you would need a guildy to make for you, ie potions gear etc… would just be done now “in house” and the auction house and crafting orders are now moot.

  12. Honest question here, and I am interested in everyone's opinion. I started to play WoW officially in 2005, and since then, it changed so much. A lot of quality of life things and others not so much. This trend of "you now can play cross-faction, cross ream, cross soul, cross everything…" doesn't that defeat the purpose of having two factions and a story founded on Ally vs Horde?; pick your team kind of thing? For me, this is so…boring; now that anyone can play across everything, what's the point? Interested in your opinions, there is something that I am not seeing and I would love to change my mind.

  13. I'm still waiting for solo queue for Island Expeditions and Warfronts and Heroic Warfronts…. or just alternative way to get those sets. Like at least putting them on the Trading Post

    As for quest log… things I NEED:
    – ability to upscale it cause the quest text is literally too small to read EVEN WITH GLASSES unless I'm like 30cm away from the screen scowling at it (and I haven't found a single addon to make quests look better, just one that literally shove it away like Immersion)
    – ability to filter the quest UI. Just give us toggles to e.g. show only quests in the zone you're inside of. Or filter quests by patch they've been added in. NOTHING's worse than coming back after a sabbatical and just seeing a literal sea of quests and no way of knowing which are now literally obsolete and which belong to the newest patch
    – bigger quest log. I mean I've seen and appreciate the increase from 25 to 35 quests but it's still way too few. ESPECIALLY if you keep adding quests which take days/weeks to complete instead of done&gone-in-10-minutes kind. Heck just for questing in a single area you often need 10+ slots, let alone if you have some more long term ones (like Garrison/Class Hall) you're still doing

  14. As a solo WoW player who can't stand dungeon raiding with others, I like this delve stuff. I wanna just do things on my own time, relax and play the game I paid for my own way. Not have to grind so hard my teeth fall off.

  15. its a step in the right direction but as a solo player i dont want something casual, i want a pillar that gives me a reason to minmax as a solo player.

    i want something that takes as much work as mythic raiding and gives me that mythic level gear but i can still walk away between bosses or do other things if i have to.

    leave off the timer, leave everything the same as it is but give me mythic delves that are mythically hard and give me mythic gear. theyre building a new pillar but they never make those pillars the same height.

  16. As promising as these changes are, I don't see how they are a gamechanger. To me, a true gamechanger would be fixing the leveling, making the game less bloated, and to actually stop trying to reinvent the wheel every single expansion. The game's a complete mess all the way until you reach its current content, and it just won't be addressed

  17. Well done. Acct wide Rep is LONG overdue – progressing through the game solo with Delves is also an exceptional upgrade. Torghast would have been received much better, if it awarded gear in accordance with your performance.

  18. Sorry but the only game changer I'm interested in for retail is cross faction casual queues. Makes no sense that cross faction gameplay is good enough for rated content but i cant queue up with a homie to slam some random BGs. Their blatant unwillingness to do it at this point is frankly surprising considering we have cross faction and cross realm guilds. Hard for me to be hyped when basic features are lacking.

  19. The constant need to grind for gear is what I am utterly sick of. As long as gearing up is the most important part of the game I won’t be interested: It’s time for change.


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