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What do you think of the Renown Rewards from the Council of Dornogal?
Appreciate your effort and time making these videos 😊👍
people when playerpower is locked behind reputation/renown: BLIZZUUUURD HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?
people when there is no playerpower locked behind them and only cosmetics, mounts: BLIZZUUUURD, THIS IS BORING!
nice video btw Dan, keep up the good work!
I didn’t hear anything cool
personally i feel like they should just skip this battlepass-esque reputation track.. its super lame and the rewards are just so bland? why is wow being developed like this i really do wonder.
Thanks for the video its good information to have
I am so excited for those cosmetic sets, cool to hear we (potentially) get one set for free from the renown. Transmog enthusiasts eating well in TWW.
Can we stop we with these flightstones/valorstones systems? It's so anti-alt. It's just azerite power all over again
I can't wait for the Harronir Renown we'll get with the Rootlands…. I mean ok, I just straight-up can't wait for anything more we get of the Harronir, you caught me XD But in the meantime, ofc I'll watch your videos on the four base Renown tracks! I honestly don't think the rewards are so bad, multiple mounts and battle pets are already pretty neat in my book!
Its sad… We already know all there is to it to the expansion already… Nothing surprising, nothing shocking when it launches, and turns to most optimised way of playing on the starting minute 😢 how did it become like this sad
Drinking game: Take a shot every time he says "Renown".
Disappointed with most the rewards but thanks for going over this.
Are we getting the currency for the cosmetic sets from other renown as well?
Nothing for Horde players.
Got it.
Our theme/influence is left out of this expansion.
The rewards kinda suck. Doesn't help that ground mounts are useless now
Thank you this is worth it due to the carved crests..
welcome back dan!
I used to love to grind reps back in the day, now days I can’t even get the dragonflight reps maxed. Cool rewards I guess, it’ll take me the whole expansion to grind them out though.
Love your content, and appreciate your dedication.
I do wish the age of "every single possible thing has to be reported on" would come to an end tho. Sure, we don't have to watch content like this as players, but also we can't support content creators without clicking.
I want to help, but lord.. nothing is left to the imagination anymore. It honestly upsets me lol.
account wide unlocks are nice, hopefully getting the Rep Bonus Recipes for Scribes wont be hard.
I tough there was some kind of teleport system around Khaz Algar that you unlocked through Renown. Was it removed :(?
I'm just happy they seem to have removed story-gating behind Renown. I know this wasn't a universal experience, but when I hit 70 in Dragonflight I was desperate for more story and the fact that it was locked behind reputation grinds really put me off. Then in patch content the stories continued without rep requirements and it felt really messy, just like in Shadowlands.
All livin fings inside Azeroth's core are stone. Which means The Rock will have a cameo
Thanks for making this video. I enjoyed it.
Someone who’s played the beta please tell me that the world event / “rare” spawn spam isn’t in TWW.
I cannot stand going through a Dreamsurge zone, the Reach, Zaralek, or the Dream. It’s like Blizz doesn’t trust players to be able to entertain themselves anymore.
Why are the design elements of the world/interface reminding me of shadowlands 😭
anyone not excited for more bs dragonflight rep farms? ya me either. this game is cooked pushing the same content in every expansion for 10 years. also more shadowlands garbage with a look of dragonflight. lmao no thanks wow. maybe when u make something new.
For people who like spoilers I guess…
Okay so, my big question for this, if the rewards are SHARED across your warband, does that mean, for things like the currency, you only get them on the 1 character and thats it? Or will every character get the currency once they reach appropriate level? I ask this cause obviously with 30 or so sets you probably wouldn't have enough to get them all.
Can u make a video on the renown for hallowfall?
Classic streamers spoiling games before they even come out. Nothing is a surprise for anyone, anymore.
Honorary Council Member is a dumb title. They could give us something better than that.
i hope no more quests locked behind rep. that was BULLSHIT!
Bee mount hype!
Should just rename this game "World of Fancy Dress" at this point. Thousands of dev hours into xmogs and 10 minutes of Dev time into the pre patch event.
I really think they could’ve given us the council member title. I get that we are technically honorary but wouldn’t it be fun to get a much more generally usable title than one that’s very niche?
I haven't really cared about renown since Shadowlands and I much prefer it this way. I fucking hated the "Oh, I need to free 15 souls from the maw to get my 2% stamina increase again." Renowns should be unimportant. There isn't really a new dragon color-level thing at the end of these tracks, so casuals will probably feel up in arms about that, but frankly this is perfectly good for me.