Everything We Know (And Don't Like) About Domination Shards – 9.1 Shadowlands Guide

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Here’s what to know about Domination Shards in this Chains of Domination 9.1 guide.
Where they are, how to get them, activating them, upgrading, what is likely the best in slot, the works!

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0:00 Hello – General Info
4:41 – Overview of all shards
10:02 – Upgrading shards
12:40 – Comments and concerns

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23 thoughts on “Everything We Know (And Don't Like) About Domination Shards – 9.1 Shadowlands Guide”

  1. i do like that the shards are not SUPER powerful, they're still good, but optimizing should not be such a big concern with these numbers, that said probably going for the unholy set with the bubble and damage frost shards on top for dpsing

  2. It would be nice if there items can be obtained outside of dungeons, raids. I also think that a Blacksmith should be able to craft the chisel, since crafted items are really, really… icky in this expansion.

  3. so for raiding it sounds like we will need a bag full of multiple shard types of which we need to upgrade weekly with Stygian Embers, which only come from weekly quests and set bosses on each difficulty.

    sounds like we're now being incentivized to do every difficulty in the tier every week if we want to maximize our amount of embers to upgrade our shards.

    kill me

  4. Shards are basically gems circumventing the need for a Jc.

    There's little to no need for a Jc and should really remove it since its a useless profession since their usefulness has diminished so much since bfa.

    Then again professions are piss poor at best in general, and blizzard have never been able to grasp the fundamentals.

    Seeing how other mmos do crafting so much better with so much more viability and usefulness, it's baffling how majority of professions in wow become obsolete quickly.

    They really need a total rework on crafting/professions.

  5. Will see how long it lasts in PVP and M+ once this hits live. I'm already salty that these set bonuses have decimated my mail leggo shoulder trade, but at least I raid twice a week. I imagine that those that don't are going to ragespam every forum until it does.

  6. I don't think my question was covered. Do we just forfeit the helm/chest/shoulders legendary and remake it to another non socket slot? Are the 6+ weeks of torghast farming beyond moot.

  7. They are raid tier sets, without being the 'usual' raid tier sets, nothing really terrible, or more unbalanced, or unfair for non raiders, that it has been in previous expansions with the 'usual' tier sets.

  8. Yeah, as an m+ player I’m super bummed out by this affecting my power in keys. Would be much better if both the gem effects and sets only working in raid / open world.

    My only solace is that most people on my push team aren’t wanting to raid mythic this tier either so we’ll just all push keys below our best together.

  9. Chaos Bane is literally just a Shadowmourne effect and I seem to recall it being quite crazy with proper numbers. Back then it was also worth to cancel the second buff just to cycle to the damage faster, especially since the stacking part essentially gives half of that bonus anyway.

  10. Ridiculously convoluted system to socket a few gems. But what's a new system without the system for that power system. Systems all the way down. My group is looking at early ksm and likely checking out until 9.2, not sure I want to deal with a bunch of funky gearing in a heroic raid if m+ gear will net me near the same without forcing to farm weekly for 3 different aspects of a gearing system


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