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Hey guys, how’s it going? Chris Connor here and welcome to another episode of filmmaker reacts for my channel. Seat back, relax and lets study the filmmaking techniques as well as talk about what visual effects can be pulled of within after effects! This week we are taking a look at the potentially last world of warcraft dragonflight cinematic!
Make sure to let me know which trailer you would like me to react next!
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#worldofwarcraft #wow #filmmaker
This cinematic made me imagine of a first person shooter survival game featuring dragons…. that would be sick!
The cinematic is moreso to depict that this expansion is focused more in the adventure and fun over the big bad enemy. The 2 characters are representing the player and the new feature of dragonriding. It also shows the new playable Drakthyr Evoker (draconoid).
It feels so awkward that he is constantly staring at me xD
React to the new Diablo 4 release date cinematic RIGHT NOW
I feel like I cannot watch the video because Chris just endlessly stares into the depths of my soul
Alexstrasza <<Alextraza>>
The Main Aspect of life on Azeroth, The Queen of All Dragons
To clarify. The big lightning dragon is a Primal Incarnate (evolved with help of the Primal elemental forces, while the "regular" dragons evolved through Titan intervention eg. magic), and the Big Bad of at least the first piece of the expansion. She is MASSIVE compared to the "player dragons", so it's obvious that they can't stand their ground but have to try and get away. So they work together to confuse her, dodging and weaving through gaps too narrow for her – and when she comes up and "swallows" the camera, you can see that the red and blue dragons go in the opposite directions of each other. When they cut back to them, they are flying OVER the storm, which to me implies that they scattered and hid in the clouds to get away.
I quit in shadowlands and this cinamatic and xpac just didn't get me excited at all to come back….. it just dosen't have the same feel as the Wrath or Legion Cinamatics those got me hyped as hell and wanting to play them 24/7. But this one just looks like the opening to a kids show on saturday morning lol. diffenitly not blizzs best work. Oh well there's always next expansion 🤷😅👍
Alexstrasza, you were close. XD
the ugly dragon from before is Razageth The Storm Eater, she and the other Primalist Dragons are our current foes in Dragonflight, and the Dragon Humanoids are Drakthyr, a new playable race/class as they were created to wield the powers of the aspects.
Alexandra , i am dead
You should react to The Division cinematic trailer
I highly recommend you watch the newest diablo 4 trailer, it was amazing.
Nearly you got it… The Big Red Dragon was Alextrasa. Pls Reactions to Diablo 4 Release Date Trailer 😀
This expansion is so much fun, been killing PvP on my Hunter.
Diablo IV, cmon 😀
Alexstraza? Lol alexandra…
New diablo 4 trailer is out. Its so cool. React please
Bro, watch Combat gods, I don't know whether you like 2d animation or not, but it's kinda masterpiece, look forward for your reaction!
Currently playing this expansion and the "How to train your dragon" vibes are VERY strong…..funny tho the overall feeling is of lightness and joy…Diablo on the other hand 👀
Future video idé, rewatch these videos with for an example nobble87, asmongold, they could explane the backstory of the characters etc!
i can recommand: Warbringers: Jaina. Awesome Cinematic
You still missing out one World of warcraft trailer.
Good to see how you like these cinematics. The really first one, from 2004. "World of Warcraft Cinematic Trailer". Perfectly shows what type of world is this. I just rewatched and I got goosebumps.
Not the Dragonflight cinematic I expected but a nice one nonetheless, also should copyright that idea before someone steals it. lol
I had a similar inspiration once, saw a short series of fan art of The Witcher characters as 1920's/1930's Crime Noir types with Geralt as a Private Investigator. All sorts of ideas popped into my head and I so wished I could have played that game.