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Shadowlands Stream Highlight Retribution Paladin PvP
2nd channel :
This will be nerved to the ground
Does anyone know what add-on he's using for lingering floating combat text, the crits look so clean
1 sec 20k +… Well you are in a wheelchair but with a big rpg… I guess i know the reason why palas dont have so much movement.
one week ago u cried because u got damage and not mobility, now, u love ret after oneshotting everyone lmao
4:30 song name pliz (dude savix, do a playlist from your vids please)
Anyone considers Venthyr as a good pick?
Can you make a pvp video/guide for ret pala ?=)
Gold vid
i had to do a double take when karin kanzukis theme came on lmfao
Is the first song a Pokemon battle song?
That super smash bro's gamecube music brought me back to my childhood man
Hey Savix want to have a rematch Best ele vs best ret
>engineering in a duel
I'm glad he cheated you lol
Dh the hunt ability + momentum looks balanced indeed
He left BG at 7:22 and some1 be like:" Tell me more about twitch prime." xDDDDDDDDD
i want savix vs rextroy
Dh need to be nerfed more
What is your talent builddddd and your pvp talent builddddddddddd plssss
song name from 5:35
I wish we still had judgement speed burst. Mobility is the thing Ret need most. Everything else just gets instantly dispelled from any good teams. Also with the amount of gap closers and gap makers every other class has, it's extremely nessessary to have another way to get to our targets.
Big pencil master of thumbnails that ooze testosterone I'm a Kazzak Retri having fun all day in BGs one shotting people with Divine Toll I sware to god if they nerf it I will blame you for making it famous lol
Pala 🤢🤮🤮🤮
11:07 did u rly google what a fetus is
fu retri pala /spit
savix whats that addon that shows buffs and stuns / loss of control on your character portrait? for example when u wall or seraphim the timer shows up on your characters portrait
pls pls do a video where you show your addons
Looks like SL will be very balanced – 1shotting people every 2minutes in 1global. So much for 6months of beta testing
What is he using to make the damage numbers stick on the screen like the old days? Is it an addon?
Alliance and getting farmed on bgs
Name a better duo I'll wait 🙂
Is ret boys switch to shield in arenas?
Bliz, nerf pala pls
Savix, the man!
Reminds me of Wotlk!