Get GEARED: 184+ Fast! Shadowlands Launch Gearing GUIDE! Big Time Savers & All You Need To Know!

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Here’s everything you need to know to get geared up in the first weeks of Shadowlands! Thankfully, Shadowlands gearing is actually very fun, with lots of options!
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37 thoughts on “Get GEARED: 184+ Fast! Shadowlands Launch Gearing GUIDE! Big Time Savers & All You Need To Know!”

  1. Thanks for the guide. I actually want to take my time journeying through the expansion. To me, the journey is the best part. I am returning after a long break after WoD. I did not realize how much that XP burned me out until I tired playing Legion. When Legion dropped, I just couldn’t play.
    For some reason I have hope for this XP and will return to give it a chance. I hope I am not let down. Have fun, all, and thanks for the video Bellular.

  2. 9:50
    Man, I remember pushing Blacksmithing to craft Thunder > Deep Thunder > Stormherald. Mats were expensive and progressively harder to get, but the reward was well worth it.
    Now even at the 3rd craft tier, items are still worse than heroic dungeon gear??
    Why can't we have worth while crafted gear/items anymore? 🙁

  3. Wish I could even login!!!

    Last night couldnt even get into the game because Area 52 was broken.

    Off work, get home login and I have been sitting in a Q to login for 3 hours now. So done with this game

  4. Amazing guide, I feel like its a lot to be aware of, is all this info somewhere else in a text format? Or maybe weekly short videos with "For this week, remember all this", or I can just, you know, save this video for later. But just some thoughts

  5. Does the alt catchup content you mention such as covenant campaign involve raid / mythic+? As a casual I basically can't access such content, the best I can get is LFR. Or is it that you can't gear up through world quests anymore like you did in the past 2 expansions?

  6. Thus far, very unimpressed with this new expansion… I know that Blizzard Entertainment is capable of cranking out BETTER expansions (hence The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King)… I am playing it, but just very disappointed. I will continue to play this… its just a let down for me.


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