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This video is a pet battle guide showing you how to beat Glitterdust located in Ardenweald
co ords 58/57.
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Works with Ikky in slot one and Mini Mindslayer is slot 3 too. Thanks for the guide!
I used asubinath idol on the first pet today and it worked out much better, though it did take longer
Chrominius, iron starlette devourling
My Kneebiter kept dying so I switched to my Bone Serpent and he did the job. I used Call Darkness, Death and Decay and then Bone Barrage as available. My pet just died after Sliugger gave up the ghost.
This doesn't work.
knee biter does not work, it keeps dying. So Lil bad wolf is better, he kills that critter without problems.
NIce but it you get a stun or bug kills you first pet. BlOOOOOOODDDDYDYYY Sucks.
2 X iron starlette and nexus whelpling worked shitloads better.
Stunted Shard Horn – Iron Starlette – Disgusting Oozling
Blizz must have caught on to this strat because I died eight times before I decided to swith pets. Anubisath Idol, Ikky, Lil' Terecgosa worked for me.
Molten Corgi works better for first pet. Superbark, puppies, Blazong yip, superbark
not a very consistant win.
this strat just refused to work for me 🙁
Zandalari Kneebiter (hunting party, black claw, bloodfang), Iron Starlette (wind up, powerball, supercharge), Chrominius (Arcane Explosion, Howl, Surge of Power) — last pet start with howl, arcane explosion, surge of power, Howl, Arcane Explosion (x2 if needed)
I do better, with the first pets as an Adder snake,
Strategy is great as always but I ran into an issue where the zandalari kneebiter was getting just swapped to ikky in the first pet spot and did great..thanks for the videos
I used Chrominus as my last pet cause I didn't have the other. I just casted howl and then surge of power and it hit for almost 4k haha
I used an artic fox kit as I didnt have a zandalari pet at 25
tried 14 times it failed everytime
If you just change the first pet to a Tranquil Mechanical Yeti with Metal Fist, Call Lightning, and Supercharge, do 1 fist, supercharge, and then call lightning the first one goes down without issues. The rest is the same and I've never had to restart.
Your guides are generally good, but the zandalari here … "if you die first you need to restart the fight". He dies EVERYTIME. Total trash
Tough fight, tried with zandalari and ikky but they always die, swap to chrominus and work like a charm