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This is a prime example of something not being Japanese.
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Never heard of this one. Glad you found something you like. (And I’ve kinda been one of those people who have been emotionally affected by depression and suicidal ideation…)
I remember reading these back in high school and loving them. I need to reread them, but everything you said is pretty accurate to how I remember feeling. I loved the characters and the first book was really good! I remember liking the second book. The third one, eh… I remember the demon realm being cool and I remember the ending but other than that I don’t have strong feelings. Over all yeah! They’re good books with an interesting premise.
The closest that I’ve coming to the afterlife was Abhorsen series by Garth Nix
One classic children's fantasy book that is set in the afterlife is The Brothers Lionheart by Astrid Lindgren.
Another is the Tiffany Aching subset of the discworld series by Terry Pratchett, at least according to the Nac Mac Feegle.
i instantly thought about this old classic swedish story The Brothers Lionheart by Astrid Lindgren when you mentioned afterlifes and such, could be called YA-fantasy i guess even though that wasnt a genre yet by then. That afterlife had it´s own afterlife if i remember right so if you died there you just keept on keepin on
you should review the American royals series
Did you just make this review so that we would know you can pronounce 'Malachi' right?
can I ask what your tattoo says?
"The main girl goes to the afterlife to save her friend…" :O gay?
"…and she starts a relationship with one of the guard dudes" 🙁 And he's not even that cool?
Ok, the metaphor for depression sounds really good. Thanks for the recommendation
Dante's Inferno is similar too.
Did anyone else's heart do a little pleased jump with you read the title?
There are many cases where people who committed seppuku died before they were beheaded. Fun fact, a bunch of arteries run through your torso. Disemboweling yourself with a cut that deep leads you to die rather fast…
Of course, not all cuts were that deep or long. Which is why someone cut their head off
Makes me wonder if the author ever read The Night Lands by William Hope Hodgson. It was an underworld trek after the lead lost his wife. I do like underworld stories.
Seems like the first book was a fairly original story dealing with a tough subject and the publisher got her to make a YA tribology with all the tropes.
the only good Afterlife is run by Aria
Bad Jimmy James!
Hang on! This isn't at all a ballroom blitz Jimmy James!
I see the views and it's sad that when you find something good people don't want to hear about it. Those video are as good as "Cindy Lopez YA made me wish I unborn myself"