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“Under the Accuser, the Halls of Atonement were a tribute to Revendreth’s mission. While the halls rang with suffering and sin, it was all directed to redeeming the souls and keeping them from falling into the Maw. But the recently promoted Lord Chamberlain has bent the hall’s purpose to selfish reaping of anima, often to the point of leaving souls unable to be redeemed. Someone will have to put an end to the depravity that has grown within these walls.”
In this video I complete the Normal Run of Halls of Atonement.
P.S: Killing Echelon is so satisfying, he is a jerk and that goes for the other smug jerk Lord Chamberlain.
World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Blizzard Entertainment, it considers the fourth installment of the Warcraft franchise.
You get to create your own character and venture into the world of Azeroth picking quests, kill monsters, fighting your opposite faction through Player vs Player and many more.
Check out the game in the link below:…
Check out my World of Warcraft: Shadowlands playlist:…
Check out my World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth playlist:…
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