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Suggested Raid & Single Target M+ Build:
Suggested AoE M+ Build:
Intro: (0:00)
Talent Overview: (1:16)
Raid/M+ Builds: (11:50)
1st ez
Blind fury go brrr
Thanks a lot. There is so litle information on this class it's sad !
Awesome vid thx bro 😁
Thank you very mich. Nice video and go to know for ST dmg. I hope you can do more videos like this. And may more for m+ stuff and how to play there.. Like tips/tricks.. Indepts and kinda rotation stuff. And btw I think the hunt will hit like a truck with momentum buff 😀
13:43 I love that. Do you love me? 😍💋 💝💖❤️
Great content as always!
Haven’t played since legion, didn’t think momentum would ever see the light of day again, actually looking forward to coming back to this
this dude is the best! thanks for sharing
Hey, been playing DH since it's release and I will continue mythic raiding with my guild … so I have a few questions:
1. Don't you ever spec into demonic appetite and burning hatred? (Even for m+?)
2. As I'm kyrian I thought the demonic appetite would be pretty good … for raid and m+, which covenant would you recommend?
3. Which legendary would be suitable for the playstyle you showed?
puaj, momentum
i tend to go suicidal if i need to play momentum and sacrifice my mobillity for damage 🙁
The annoying spanner in the world is that Bloodmallet says otherwise for single target (it’s suggesting Demonic).
Can you do a gameplay/rotation video for the builds you explained? 🙂
Great video, liked and subscribed!
first time i actually hear to tempted 😀 you really seem to got a lot of those questions 😀
from what i've seen the difference in builds is so small that you can play almost everything and get away with it.
Thank you so much for your video it helps alot i am just a bit stuck on rotation Can you pls help and also when to pop metapmoph
so what's the dps?
Thanks a lot man.