That "frustrating" part prevents Blizzard to do such events again. It was amazing and it made the world really being alive and dangerous. Nowadays everything just flys by and noone has any attachment to the content.
I wasn’t here for original cataclysm so I didn’t know about this when I was playing cata classic. Anyways it was real funny when I took the teleport to blasted lands from org and died while I was still in the load screen, was very confused.
Here's another fun fact, should you end up traveling to an area that was affected by Deathwing's fire as it would stick around for a few minutes after he showed up. If you willingly jumped into his flames you could still die from it and get the achievement. Really living up the name as you choose to "stand in the fire"
..Very frustrating 😢
I remember archeology and i swear i saw him daily!!!
I took it personally and took him down in heroic *😅
Frequent? I never got it once! I thought it was super rare!
Imagine the outrage if he did this on hardcore 😂😂😂
Jist died by it 15 min ago so…
That "frustrating" part prevents Blizzard to do such events again. It was amazing and it made the world really being alive and dangerous. Nowadays everything just flys by and noone has any attachment to the content.
I just relived this a few months ago when i was playing cataclysm classic lol
Best xpac ever and loved it whenever I heard or saw DW coming through!!
I've been dead from him with my lost account
I wasn’t here for original cataclysm so I didn’t know about this when I was playing cata classic. Anyways it was real funny when I took the teleport to blasted lands from org and died while I was still in the load screen, was very confused.
I knew this. I am still dying to this playing cata classic lol
Here's another fun fact, should you end up traveling to an area that was affected by Deathwing's fire as it would stick around for a few minutes after he showed up. If you willingly jumped into his flames you could still die from it and get the achievement. Really living up the name as you choose to "stand in the fire"
WoW Raids: Dont stand in fire
WoW acheivements: 🔥
I actually got that achievement back in the day