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How is the Classic Cataclysm BETA? First Impressions are everything.
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Why is there a BETA for a game that is being re released with no changes??
Can't say I noticed player power made things feel slow but omg the streamlined questing vs running tf all over the place in SoD.. it's no contest.. no longer world of walkcraft
Two issues I have with Cata talent trees are, first: the spec-lock so forget about hybrid specs for levelling and, second: plenty of the talents you gain at mid levels only affect spells you actually don't yet have making them wasted points at that particular moment (at least on my warlock). Other than that beta levelling is pretty fast so the lack of new talent points/abilities every level is not that bad.
And I agree that apart from plenty of UI bugs the levelling works quite well in this early stage of the beta.
Wonder if they will let us lvl goblin or worgen early wanna lvl a shaman goblin to max so rdy for realese day
I always thought getting rip before bite was strange in vanilla. So getting rip later makes sense to me. Lvl 54 does seem very late though
I think it's really strange that I get blue text in my chat box saying my defense skill has increased, or two hand sword skill has increased. Did they forget to take these out 😂
Haha Crix is such a dummy for swimming around Thousand Needles
Ive been playing on countless private servers growing up ,when MoP came i went on official and ever since been playing ,all expansions and now classic-tbc-wotlk and waiting on Cata . For all those years and years of playing ive never recieved beta invite ,not on the 1st wave not on the 2nd ,Never . No idea what is going on with blizzard but im kinda pissed to say the least . SOme random streamers who clearly have 0 passion for Cata or the game in general recieve one the day of the release (for free advertisment i get it ) and im stuck with playing on a private server to freshen up my memories .Well done blizzard ,keep on failing me and maybe ill just stay on the private one and cancel my sub…
Thousand needles is hands down one of my favorite zones in cata. I just love questing thru cata. Cant wait for it!
I stopped playing it. Got tired of the whining in the chat.
After playing classic vanilla to wrath and then SoD, I can say with confidence this is the smoothest leveling experience I’ve had since classic launched. I thought I hated the cata questing rework but honestly it’s been refreshing to visit the new zones. The quests are pretty engaging, much more than vanilla style, and the way it works in the entirety of the zone is great. Getting to level 28 on beta hasn’t felt like a chore at all and it’s been fun.
Leveling that many charcters to max level, must mean that its pretty fast leveling?
Really hope they keep the xp increase.
just a tiny advice… wouldn't the ending part of the Cataclysm menu theme fit much better in here as background music? no, actually, the entire second half. nice vid btw
Considering how far behind my character is in wrath (stopped raiding in ulduar never hit TOC) what are the chances I’ll actually be able to afford anything/keep up in cata?
Why kick, why not twitch?
I ran across your video. I’m trying to figure out if blizzard has released the PC requirements for cataclysm classic yet? I started playing at the end of Lich King originally in cataclysm was my first real expansion so cataclysm classic is bringing me back to the game and I’m trying to put together an inexpensive computer to tinker around with on the weekend.
How is the Beta? I have no idea. Im 36, and pay Blizzard to do the bug testing. They dont pay me to do it for them. Hell, they can't even be bothered to reward me at all for participating in it. Why tf would i bother?
Same problem as the original, all my toons are leveled so I'll never see the old quests.
Don't you have a family and a full time job? How the HELL do you find the time to play that much??! Are you a time traveller?
Do achievment seem to be account wide on beta?
my priest went oom and i never got any more mana. lol
Definitely. They need to put some effort into Cata. It's really not that bad of an expansion especially sped up. But don't just pass over it please :[
this is great! cant wait!
What i find amazing is the sheer number of people in Beta complaining about bugs. Like, the entire point is to find flaws and report them. What else did you expect lol
Damn this means there will be a lot of manual work and staff needed to make cata playable. Lets hope kotic doesnt give cata the wc3 treatment.
Any tips to get on the beta?
Hot streak does work. I played it few days ago. It just doesnt show the activation effect around your character like normal.
Do we know what's going to happen with the additional currency that wasn't in original? Will it be gold or justice points?
Does anyone know if there will be dungeon finder in cata classic?
Nvm I just got to that point in the video!
I leveled 3 characters from scratch during cata (warrior, paladin and priest) and my main criticism was that for most classes there isn't really much of a threat, I remember joking with my friends that dying as a pala should give an achievement, because it was hard to manage to get killed on that thing.
It felt quite boring after a while.
Are they going to have any fresh severs for cata pre-patch?
First impression in beta I don't think thats what beta is for.
Only diselikable part about cataclysm talent system.
Is that you are 31 talents locked into a talent tree.
For example as a rogue.
I would love to make a hybrid spec, 15-10-14 for weird ass shenaigans such as flag carrying in twin peaks and warsong gulch.
another example is… I want to play Subtletly, but i can't utilize Deadly momentum Earlier known as ruthlessness.
it was one of the best talents to take for solo leveling because it'd allow you 100% crit on your next ambush you did.
Its amazing how much better then game is then vanilla or TbC
Instead of SOD, they should have completely remade DS from scratch. Worst raid ever made. I won't be playing because of it. It's such a horrible way to end an expansion.
Hard pass again. Blizzard is not in the capacity to make this fun any more.
maybe that is what i did wrong, i lvled to 12 and was bored as hell, but i lvled as a space goat so it wasnt really new quests. Maybe i will try again this week but as a dwarf so i can do alot of the new quests and such. either way only being able to lvl to 80 and not to much of anything else kinda sucks lol
I remember the first time I ever played wow, and it was during Cata. Can’t wait to relive my childhood at some point when I need a break from retail
I agree 100% questing as a fresh character with nothing is definitely a challenge, and I love it. I hope they don't change it..
Also on the downside there are some things about the zones that I still don't like that made quit the first time Cata came out.
Cataclysm classic? It was NEVER "classic". Cataclysm was the start of retail.
Probably still at least 4 months from being ready unless they divert more talent on this project.
Beta is chill, losing mangle every time I logged out and having to respect really killed my enjoyment though lol just keep reporting those bugs!
I Really wanna try cata apparently the leveling was alot quicker than wotlk classic, my problem is i want to play the classic wow games but i play retail and the older ones really do show their age everything just seems a million miles worse and those games thrived of being social but gamers these days aren't social like 10 or 20 years ago