I Swam Around Kalimdor and Found… (Part 2) | World of Warcraft

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Merry Christmas Eve, everyone! Today, we continue our swimming adventures around the lands of Kalimdor! This is probably the most wild episode of Azeroth’s Deep Dives yet, so stay tuned for more! 🙂

All footage retrieved from Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft (2004-).

Images retrieved from Google Images and WoWHead.

Background Music: “Feralas Theme”, “Tanaris Theme”, “The Barrens Theme” from the WoW OST

#wow #wotlkclassic #mmo

Outro Music: “You’re The One Acoustic Rehearsal” by Greta Van Fleet

Jediwarlock 2022


45 thoughts on “I Swam Around Kalimdor and Found… (Part 2) | World of Warcraft”

  1. 2:20 Chimaerok skeleton!
    in Classic, you were tasked to go to the Isle of Dread with a group of people to get 20 Chimaerok Tenderloins for the quest (and really amazing food buff Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops- 25 stam buff in classic. it was an Epic quality food recipe!)
    This quest was a prerequesite for the legendary AQ gates gong questline (this part was for the blue shard) dragons are a big part of the lore an the AQ questline, but those are Chimaerok skulls.
    I had the novelty of tanking a crapload of these guys for gold (200g per 20 a trip).

  2. So, I almost reached the Underwater Gnome Village today, thanks for the info, never knew about it!
    1. I tried to do it on my mage, with "Elixir of Water Walking" , "Swim Speed Potion" and Hook of the Master Angler. Fatigued to death.
    2. Tried with Death Knight, he has "On a Pale Horse" talent and "Path of Frost". Also used "Swim Speed Potion". Sadly I don't have a hook on my DK, but I almost reached the village though! I could see 3 buildings and some sort of a lantern.
    Did a bunch of screenshots and closed the game. Thalassophobia entered chat.

  3. The island off Tanaris was used by GMs in at least vanilla so they wouldn't have to be near the general populace if they didn't want to. There's also one in Eastern Kingdom that's more human themed.

  4. i don't think I've ever heard of this hidden Tauren area at 3:46 . I've heard of the cave with the (later) dragon in it, but not about the Tauren area… neat.
    Also gratz to the quick growth of the channel.

  5. I've played wow since my childhood and these videos are an instant hit for me… I never thought to explore the shoreline around the continent and the cozy feel of these videos are amazing.

  6. I wouldn’t recommend putting in the effort to try this because it’s tedious as hell, but I do recall seeing a video from ages ago, pre-Burning Crusade. I don’t remember who from (we’re getting near 20 years ago now, gimme a break), and I can’t for the life of me find the video now, so I assume it’s deleted. Somewhere waaaaaaay out from Steamwheedle Port, well under those fighting Alliance and Pirate ships is another submerged Gnome town, similar to the one mentioned earlier more South in the zone. Except this one is so far out in the fatigue zone that it boarders the game itself. Like, it’s possible to swim so far out that it suddenly makes the same sound as when you fall off Outland and your camera stops following you down. The camera just stops following you if you go far enough out. But it’s not just out, it’s down. Where they also generally have massive drop offs in the water for the fatigue zone, you have to swim all the way down past that to the point everything goes completely flat again, because obviously they didn’t intend players to be able to get there so everything is just a ground layer.

    The original video was just during a certain time where a big lag spike of some sort hit the whole server, without disconnecting players, and nothing could be done by anyone, including dismounting since he was mounted when it hit, so he just decided to go out swimming. He didn’t dismount like one normally would upon hitting the water, so he and his skeletal horse just swam out as far as he could. The breath and fatigue bars never showed up. So he just kept going out and down until he eventually found the flat area, the gnome town and the camera stopped following him right on the outside of that town. It was a bizarre event he just decided to make the best of and found it.
    I’ve seen people reaching that closer southern gnome town with ease using level 1 Undead Priests, for the underwater breathing racial, and ability to heal more damage + regenerate mana faster than the fatigue can kill them. Not entirely sure how you can get down there while remaining level 1 as an Undead, but hey. If the same method can be applied, someone could take a really long and stupid journey to the deepest depths and boarder the game itself to find it, assuming they can tolerate stopping to heal every few seconds.
    Though my understanding of how the game works, when the camera stops following you, you’ll die a few seconds later automatically because the game would break otherwise if it didn’t. The guy in the original video did not die because of the afore mentioned server lag spike preventing anything from being done, so he was able to just watch his character swim around freely and completely independent of his camera now unable to move, only look around.

    And that was just a lucky find on the far out boarder of Tanaris, who knows what they put at the same distance and depth from other zones. The fatigue zone is expanded a distance out from most zones with coasts, the game boarders would have to be way the hell out even further. Anyone with omega levels of boredom and patience would probably be able to spend entire days skirting the game boarder of each continent finding weird oddities they dropped out past the drop off.

    Though I don’t play Classic in any stage, I’m not sure whether things had changed enough to prevent such things from original broken vanilla. For all I know it may not even be possible anymore.

  7. Great series, very relaxing to watch. I would have loved to see a shout out to the Great Sharks and Mammoth Sharks of Azshara and Feralas though. They were really a rare and dangerous sight in the early days of wow!

  8. If I remember right, there was a gnome/goblin building and some machinery at the buttom of the ocean somewhere east of Kalimdor. This was in the very early stages of WoW and pretty far south of the GM island and interrogation room.
    I also think the entrance to stockade was high up in the heavens in WoW beta. Plus part of the emerald dream was north of instanced scholomance.
    I never found the dragon isles that some people have pictures off, where its like a massive squid island.

  9. The magic in wow is in the small details that adds nothing but atmosphere to the game. Like the little inuit village situated on a remote island in azure span. You walk there, see some kids going on a sleighride in the snow. Just lovely.
    Were almost every game, no matter the genre, focuses solely on "rational design", wow has a charm that is still unmatched.

  10. @1:20 the lobster traps are a repeatable quest that gives like 10 silver per completion. I know this because this is where i farmed them to get the 100g need for epic riding in vanilla wow. The lobster traps could also give you a green quality fishing pole that was like the 2nd best u could get at the time behind the fishing event one in stranglethorn. In vanilla me and my buddy used to call these the secret lobsters :P.

  11. Played wow, for years, was into emulating and developing for years, seen a lot and dont even play anymore. Really enjoy these videos where you can find something new you did not see 100 videos on already. Reminds me a bit of Hayven's videos

  12. I don't play wow anymore,I played this summer and the spring a little after months, have to say watching your videos at 5 in the morning is so relaxing along with your narration and smooth voice. Just want to say keep doing these videos, we can understand your effort and motivation doing these videos. We all felt this magical feeling exploring our home while leveling. Also, if you can suggest any wow videos or channels to look out,

  13. I remember that sunken gnome village actually got referenced in Legion, you go there (or the post-cataclysm equivalent) for the engineering questline. It was a ton of fun to see that referenced and brought into the canon! I also looked up that abandoned tauren village and red dragon and they referenced them as well, giving a backstory to them in one of the books.

    Now if only one of these expansions they'd add a hidden actual way to obtain that one rumored tan bengal tiger mount…

  14. *Important Corrections:*

    1.) The "cartilage" remains I referenced are actually made of chitin forming the carapace of the makrura… mixed up my bio terms there!

    2.) The skeleton I found on the Isle of Dread could have been a chimera or a dragon as well… not 100% on either possibility though. 🙂

    Thank you for the helpful feedback and corrections!

  15. So many secrets. So much love went into this original game. Super comforting and beautiful video. Thanks. The most interesting one for me is the friendly naga. I've played wow for 10 years and never knew about him. And there is no explanation for him. It's amazing but frustrating hahaha.

    One of my favorite places is the version of classic wow before aq where they have "old aq" hidden behind the instance. You can walk jump there from the southern coast of tanaris. Someone showed me it once and it blew my mind.

  16. For some reason most of these areas are removed in retail, like the tauren village, the island of dread, the hidden island in tanaris.. sad 🙁

    Oh, and did they remove the "languages" from races? i remember speaking troll with my troll friends and the rest of the horde did not know what we where saying.


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