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Editor : TakSangre [Discord : taksangre]
I don't have war within so getting to 60 tokens will still take 3 weeks from what I understand.
The tokens at caverns of time are not buffed.
It's really dumb the actual Events for the anniversary stuff don't give more and instead you're stuck doing the usual boring shit for them. Blizzard really screwed the pooch.
What's the world soul quest? What's the archive quests??😂😂
This token buff has now allowed me to get all the stuff that i needed, now i can focus on mounts and other things more easily now! 🙂
I'm much more chill now. I get that two I wanted then the rest will come eventually no stress.
I need to get the expansion and Subscription time so I can play again
now, anybody who complains that they have nothing to do within the next 8-9 weeks, should be banned. cause they did that shit to themselves.
5:30 – as far as i know when i spoke to the Vendors, only the one with the Rare Pets/Mounts isnt coming back. so i imagine that we can get the rest in years following the 20th anniversary.
I'll never get the world bosses like doom walker. No one is there when I look.
Chromie's Codex is a glorified world quest. BORING!