Mythic SoD, Fixes, Legendaries And What's New! Shadowlands Quick Guide #34

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The race to world first begins this week in the Sanctum of Domination! But there’s plenty in store for onlookers too, with new renown unlocks, campaign progression, legendaries and more!

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12 thoughts on “Mythic SoD, Fixes, Legendaries And What's New! Shadowlands Quick Guide #34”

  1. man I really hope they fix the post master. we had the bug happen to us in the first attemp, thankfully we didn't get bugged the second time around and was able to take him down, but I'm kinda into doing HM next reset so I hope this is fixed and handled…

  2. I'm probably missing something simple, but how is one supposed to get to Morgeth without getting murdered from all the pats and mobs? Join a group and get summoned? Thanks for any help.

  3. If great vault loot is based on the bosses you killed, we're going to see some pretty awful behavior in LFR from people who only join for specific bosses, then drop. People who are queued for LFR will join, see the group's killed 1-2 bosses already, then drop, etc. Anyone who wants to stay for all the bosses is going to be stuck waiting, especially if tanks are the ones dropping out.

  4. Got the only 233 piece useable by my Frost Mage from the new WB in the first week. Only drops wrists and pants for Frost Mage and my pants are my Legendary. Oh well, guess I'll just try for a free domination shard.

  5. Happy all the memes and complaints came out for the sylvanas what reward. Pretty absurd that their years of story villain and the big bad for the 9 months of patch ended with just a quest completion.

    Let it be a reminder, that complaints and mockery aren't without merit.


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