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Time to tackle the mystery of Avalorn, a part of Azeroth full of mystery that Blizzard have just revealed to us.
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Very nice to be getting some more celtic mythos. As a native Welsh speaker I have known Avalon to mean literally island of apples. Afal =apple. Celtic version of elysium valhalla possibly🤷♂️
We don't have to go find King Arthur. We have him already. It's anduin
@Bellular OR wild pitch : Tyr's body AND his physical giant Silver Hand (not to be confused with the artifact weapon) were moved away from Tirisfal during Warcraft 3 to Avaloren by his last disciples who noped-out of Lordaeron when the Scourge became too much of a threat, AND these guys are the missing-link between Vrykuls and Humans = BOOM new allied race, AND Tyr is the new "King Arthur" of Warcraft, merely 'sleeping'.
Maybe this is a lead in to … wow reborn. Kalimdor and EK are destroyed and the survivors migrated to Avalon. Then we can have a whole game in Avalon and then an expac that goes back to “the ruins of kalimdor”
The middle point between Vrykul and Human is pretty much what the Drust were. Also, the larger Kultirans are likely the result of interbreeding between the first settlers from Gilneas and the native Drust.
Love you bringing up Gamma Ray! 🤘
Lordaeron are "Germany", The joulling fjords are "Sweden/Norway" (?)
Btw, the Kyrian were 100% based on Greek culture ("Mikanikos" literally means "engineer" in Greek) almost all the NPCs had greek names and they even had Name Days! 🤣
I loved Bastion and its Ellysian Fields..
Too bad I could not quest there a bit longer..
Why can't we just ask Magni what is on the other side? Bro can speak to the planet and can travel through it.
If it's truly a place where no one returns from, wouldn't that effectively open the door to WoW2?
i think wow is starting to suffer fromm the clasic boomers wanting every expansion to be just like classic, its making the game stale, them trying to cater to that + add new shit in, it jsut gets watered down, lore and story is great, but its time to focus on gameplay and new systems and mechanics and stuff to do, every expansion turns out to be quest,dungeon,raid, pvp if u want.. time to add in a new layer , naval combat, aerial combat, totally new pvp mechanics like some sort of open world risk/reward pvp system.. new ways of making gold.. maybe a open world castle siege that has real consequences if lost… the same ol format of new lore,new dungeons,new raids, couple new skills, is just liek old and the boomer classic babys now have classic, so let them play that, make retail great again, quit letting them ruin it
With the other side of Azeroth being considered 'heretics', and the humans as we know them are a society based on the Light as a driving force. Could these Avaloreans be a human society based on the Old Gods, or perhaps some other Pantheon opposed to the Titans of Order. As Bellular has been discussing recently with our version of the cosmos has mostly come from a Titan perspective where everything that isn't their ordered way is wrong and must be fixed. Food for thought..
World of Warcraft 11.0: Gaylords of Draenor
World of Warcraft 12.0: the cumming crusade
Kul Tiras and the Drust are instances of that whole "north by northwest Euro" thing. The power of the Drust in Shadowlands was a bit hard to take seriously when they were just some meanie natives living on one little island, ruled by savage, scary witches who irrationally refused to accept that the nice people from actual civilization were only trying to improve agricultural efficiency by taking the land for themselves. However, if there is a hidden continent of Drust, that changes things. Tangentially, in an actual RPG it would have been a blast to side with the Drust against the nice people from actual civilization.
This is like watching Star Trek Discovery.
Yeah no one returns apart from us amazing heros, rulers of the universe and ultimade warlords and badies of wow 🤣
If there are heretic titan keepers who supported the black empire, do remnants of the black empire still exist on the other side? Would those titan keepers also have the curse of flesh? Are there implications further up the line of heretic titans themselves? Is Elune just a titan who has joined with the void the way Sargeras did with fel? Does that explain her being a "sister" to someone like the winter queen while still being so much more, and having "left" the winter queen a long time ago? Idk for sure about giving cosmic entities the curse of flesh, but.. if they are all just bots like the jailer at the end of the day.. Elune could be the only "flesh and blood" truly existing cosmic entity if that makes sense. That is why we use her tears as relics.. she is the only "living" titan, the only one capable of having true feelings for the mortals, etc.
The whole backside of azeroth is covered in the ruins of the black Empire.
it is unknown if light vs void will be final expansion since zovaal said a cosmos divided will not survive what is to come.
Please no more new cotenants, there are already a dozen cotenants Blizzard has forgotten and aren't supporting.
If Tyr gets turned into a King Arthur expy, can we just go full Stargate and just pretend the Naaru are the Ori?
You remember the Drust? They were warred with the settling Kul Tirans in Drustvar and were driven to extinction outside the pocket of Kul Tiran Druids known as the Thornspeakers.
Now, they weren't Vrykul, but they were VERY large humans, taller than Kul Tirans if I recalled.
I think the Drust are sort of the bridge between Humans and Vrykul, and that large Kul Tirans are just a result of the two breeding with one another up until the Drust's extinction.
Odyn is NOT gonna like us allying with the "others"
Its more likely the continent is a remnant of the Black Empire that was able to hold out and lock themselves away until the end of Dragonflight when everyone screws up and enters it.
Can Blizzard just hire me to the writing team instead of stealing all my ideas 🤦.
I promise Warcraft would be way cooler with me writing for it.
Dude, could you possibly not go from barely audible muttering to screaming at the top of your lungs? Trying to watch in the morning and I keep waking people up. Jesus.
i just want a huge mass of new playable races,class,and specs. lm lowkey tired of 1 new thing every few xpacs. like i want 10x the options we get imagine the entirety of wow discovering what they can with multiple new classes and new specs for old classes at once. you wont have oh eveyrones playing this new class only now. and it brings back the feel of adventure when doing stuff like that
The Gilneans are Hammer Horror Film English. 😉 Also, amazing work on the Arthurian research A+
I would love more celtic stuff in game! Especially if I get to play Vrykul! Vrykul are way too cool and they really need to become a playable race. I stopped playing wow after the Legion expansion, but I would probably sign up again if Vrykul became playable.
I still don't understand why Blizzard won't just make a NEW World of Whatever. They can start all new Lore. They can fix all the stuff that is being limited by a 20 year old core. Just start over. Are they going to wait until they go bankrupt? They are saying the deal with MS is still likely to Not happen. Retire this Old tired game and make something New and exciting.
PLS @Belullar FFS use a Dark theme on that website u read from and all others with white background….. "There are no Dark Themes where you live?" You are burning the eyes of your followers…. Arghhh.. lol 🙂
I mean, it sounds no more Americanized than the Greek mythos is japanized by FF14 in Pandemonium, to be fair. But I don’t actually play WoW so maybe it’s worse somehow that I’m not seeing.
I may be biased, but I'd love to go to Avalon.
world of titancraft, stale narrative.
What song was he playing?
There wasnt a middle point. Vykrul started giving birth to human infants, enough of which survived to perpetuate the species. There was no species in between that humans evolved from. At least not in the lore in Wrath that I went through recently in Classic.
Wild theory, and I could be totally wrong, but What If: that other continent is a still functioning Black Empire area? No specific Old God there, just a part of the civilization that still held on for all this time? It's the only thing, that we know of now, that was strong enough to give the Keepers a hard time before.
Dragon Isles should be the last place on Azerth to be discovered. The "place once hidden now gets revealed" is now a very old trope.
Please stop this. Every new continent added means less chances of getting our favourite cities and settlements updated
So this could be our Zereth Mortis, our Mechagon, our Broken Shore, our Timeless Isle? I dig it.
For one, King Arthur predates the Viking invasions of Ragnar Loðbrok by about 300 years if not more.
Second, he probably wasn't a myth, though through hundreds of years of unwritten accounts of the man by the Brythonic Celts and Gaelic Celts, the story grew and evolved.
To be fair though, the Anglo Saxons at that time were actually Vikings as they had yet to convert to Christianity, and the Romans never made it past the Rhine.
King Arthur's Castle was likely located on or near Hadrian's Wall as it was essentially free real estate, unless he inherented through his suspected grandfather Constantine the 3rd. He would have ruled a great chunk of the British Isles before his death causing the Kingdom to completely seperate.
One detail adding to the idea that Arthur's grandfather was Roman was that is that one of his Uncles has a Roman name.
Much of the history for a couple centuries following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire was left unrecorded, as many people passed on stories orally as opposed to writing.