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Hi everyone, in todays video I will explain how you can use the meta gem Ward of Salvation in WoW MoP Remix or Timerunning Pandamonium event to one-shot raid bosses and get invited to raid groups in normal and heroic difficulty super easily! Farm bronze and level quickly with this technique!
00:00 – Intro
00:33 – Main Requirement
01:13 – How It Works?
02:07 – Doesn’t Work All The Time
02:39 – Get It Now To Get Invited Fast In Groups!
03:56 – How To Get The Gem?
05:02 – Fast Raiding, Bronze, Leveling & Gearing
05:59 – Conclusions
#first comment
Very cool ty for the info
Thanks for the info, been using bulwark of ox even though i have Ward gem lol also Nice staff 👍
they nerfed ward today it does like no damage at least in the group I was in.
Salut, tu es sur que l'on peut tag en NM et HM pour le meme raid ?
Incoming nerf to ward gem.
Surprised they haven’t nerfed yet, doesn’t work on paragon or Garrosh
hope this gets nerfed soon
can you skip directly to garrosh? or have to do whole raid normal+ just to get wanted garrosh currency?
i do hope this gets nerfed imma be real..
its fun 1-2 times then its actually just really boring imo
Patched lol
Already nerfed
Completely balanced. Hope blizzard is not watching
Edit: nerfed
It was just nerfed
"they will inspect you and make sure you have it" nice I love raiding with the Gestapo.
Itll be gone in 2 business days, have fun while it lasts
Already nerfed
bullshit again
Auto Banned by algorythem if you do this a lot
Is this why sometimes why there are some people that are dipping really low in health really fast; and nearly impossible to top off? Done a few raids on my holy priest last night; and there were like 1 or 2 that just couldn't be healed up. And people with the 'Funeral Pyre' thing, they need to learn NOT to kill themselves by forgetting to watch their stacks.
Basically this only works now if you have a frog farmer who is a healer who can spam heals on the ward target but it’s only like a 50% hit not a one shot anymore
We found los cheese to make this work for Dark Animus. Thank god too, because the group couldn't stay alive on the little adds lol