Season 4 PATCH NOTES! Class Balance, Trinket Changes, and more!

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Here are the notes:

And here’s the video with the stuff we already knew:

0:00 Intro
0:31 Fated Raid Affixes
4:00 Mythic Plus Changes
5:30 Class Balance
9:24 Misc
10:37 Trinkets
13:38 PvP Stuff and Conclusion

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41 thoughts on “Season 4 PATCH NOTES! Class Balance, Trinket Changes, and more!”

  1. Well , the change to the ignore pain is nice but let's be honest .. 4 season , 2+ years to come up with a "hmmmmmmmmm we NOTICE that prot is struggling with magic dmg and unblock damages" …

    That being said , ignore pain cap was based on the amount of full ignore pain. But I was something nice in a way since you could play around that in order to have an increased cap , using offensive cd such a avatar to increase of based cap of ignore pain ( since it was scale depending on your attack power).

    I still see it as an up

  2. So they buff pala prot while leaving bear unchanged and nerf monk without buffing ST while being the worse ST in the game but they buff sv and warlock ST which is way higher than monk's to compensate the nerf, sure blizzard thank u, bear are a joke pure paper, and u thought it was good to buff pala instead, sure, and blood dk no changes… also gg nerfing scale, now my bear will be more useless first week and if i want a decent trinket i'm obligated to raid, because there is only the street's one

  3. The changes to trinkets sound good, but removing and nerfing scale just means that RDM and Aegis are turbo bis for brewmaster, and playing keys without raiding is going to hurt even more than it used to.

    These were already bis at 252 this patch, and nothing from the dungeons of season 4 comes even close really.

  4. There is something funny to me about the line from the Destro nerf, "This is a big shift so we’ll be monitoring feedback closely and will adjust in the future if needed," being copied and pasted directly from the original postponed nerf from June 24th.

    We ran the numbers, and this nerf won't be enough to keep Destro from dominating high end m+ but it will completely dumpster them for most raid fights. The single target buffs aren't even close to enough to make up for the loss in single target. They haven't responded to any of this feedback in the last month and then went through with exactly the original nerf.

    It was OP, it needed a nerf, but this is a pretty sloppy way to do it IMO and that last line feels pretty disingenuous in this context.

  5. So instead of nerfing Destro lock, they are instead buffing it… WTF.. destro was already kings of everything warlock and now they will be even stronger? talk about moronic balancing..

  6. I think the nerfs to "old" dungeons trinkets (Scale, IQD) is disrespectful to the work that people who played in Season 3 put in to grind out vault slots for weeks for a chance to get them. Given the REALLY poor selection of dungeon trinkets available as a whole, this makes running raid content mandatory for people who only enjoy running M+ content in order to have any chance of staying viable at a high level gear-wise. They are already jacking up the ilvl of items dropped/vaulted from M+ and raids. Why nerf gear we've already obtained in preparation for the season when there are no functional equivalents available in M+ content?

  7. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised to see the meta stay Destro lock, SV Hunter & WW Monk. The Destro and SV nerfs are hardly bad enough to take them out of the meta RN. Mage didn't get touched so I suspect SV Hunter will still be your go to lust class to bring. Soft capping AoE at 8 targets and a 10% dmg reduction on wildfire bomb is hardly going to take them out of being viable and most likely still the best hunter spec. My only curiosity is to see how Rogue fits in here, depending on how many "Skips" are necessary to time high keys, you might be subbing monk out for rogue.

  8. They can try and make old 278 trinkets not bis all they want, unless they make them useless, they will be bis. As a Guardian Druid, my only choice is IQD and Soleah/Shard.


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