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good video dude !
Very good video. What add-on are you're using that shows the buff pop-up?
Really appreciate all the hard work you put into the shadow priest community my man. We're very lucky to have you!
Psst. You actually forgot to show us how to sim! Instead of some random dungeon gaming, you could have showed actually siming a Character xD.
Fun aside, i alwas wonder about the APL and how accurate it is.
I wish, i could just simply take my character. go to the drop down menu and select a specific boss like Shriekwing and sim that.
Most likely my best items and talents for one fight are not the best in another. Same for dungeons. I wish i could select Spires of Ascension and it Sims an optimized route from start to finish.
I know thats a different level of accuracy and workload, and i am happy with what we have. Thank you for your hard work.
Thank you for what you do for the community!
you make all Shadow Priest players proud
Played WoW off and on for over 10 years, getting shadowlands now played melee my whole life. Now shadow priest.
Thanks for making this!
wtf was that red laser at 2:54
Thank you very much for enlightening the community. About stat weights: There is an option in the Simulationcraft tool called "reforge plots". It does sim how your dps changes when you shift the balance of certain stats. I can recommend that.
What are the stats we go for our legendary? haste crit or haste mastery?
Hey Pub, quick question, so Iv been simming talbadors vs eternal call of the void (mainly because I have lego fever and am trying to convince myself not to wait haha) and even when I change the fight styles from patchwork to cleave add and others, talbadors keeps coming out on top except for heavy add and more multi target situations. I’m just curious why everyone is stating to wait if it’s simming this good, or am I doing something wrong in my sims? Did you have a similar result?
Thank you for all your hard work with all things priest! I would like to see a tips and tricks type video on the raid and/or mythic plus dungeons. Thanks!
fucc i read SIMP guide
Spriest is great in dungeons and such, but, I swear, trying to run around and doing things by myself horrible.
Publik do u have a weak aura for Talbadars?
Hey Publik, Im so glad someone like you exists for the class im playing in Shadowlands. Loving the content. Question: what's the spell priority inside of voidform? When you pop void form and have mind blast ready, void bolt ready, and 50+ insanity, how do you go about that. Thanks!
Hey Publik, I hope to see some shadow priest gameplay on when is the best time for cooldowns, talents for each boss, etc. fairly soon. Thanks for the work you put into your videos!
You rock dude. Look forward to seeing more videos/guides/tips and tricks 😀 Have fun and good luck with loots
Any chance there is a macro for MB and VB, not void erruption. 1 button to tap for the procs in shadow form and the ones regulary in void form
Hey hey
This question is for Publik or any SP player here. Do you know a video or a website to help with keybindings. I am having a rough time to adapt from BFA
Thanks you
So I crafted the bis legendary and did like 5 mythic plus and it was just nit what I expected to much RNG imo. I was using mind sear on all macks and mind flay as much as possible. Could you maybe explain now that legs out out the play styles in mythic plus vs raids. Would greatly appreciate since I am still new to spriest
Do you use searing nightmare or misery for dungeons. I cant really decide between hem yet. Misery plays more smooth but get more dmg from SN.
Hey Publik, a chart went around about classes and their dps increases from getting PI. I’ve also heard that chart was pretty badly simmed and incorrect and we as shadow priests are better off getting it than it showed. Is there a clear answer to what actually gives the most raid dps?
Anyone know what bag addon he's using? 4:30
Hey Publik, have you been dying randomly from surrender to madness even when the target dies ? It's happening to me sometimes and I sent a bug report to blizzard I hope they do something about it.. Love your videos and keep up the good work 🙂