SHADOWLAND IS FREE as Blizzard Desperately Tries To BOOST MAU's !

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World of Warcraft Shadowlands is in serious trouble, Blizzard is making WoW Shadowlands free for anyone logging into just to try and get more Monthly Active Users.

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26 thoughts on “SHADOWLAND IS FREE as Blizzard Desperately Tries To BOOST MAU's !”

  1. Damn, they must be desperate to give it for free. In the past they have massively lowered the price sure…but never completely free lol, and even then it usually applies to to previous expansions not current o.O The situation must be really bad.

  2. I'm going to disagree. I think the main target demographic is people who decided to play old content instead of buying Shadowlands. Those people are logging in regularly and see that "free gift" on their launcher. And while the offer certainly applies to anyone who bought the game from vanilla on, people who haven't played in years probably haven't been following the game. Their launcher doesn't come up on their most recent computer.

    People who have been playing shadowlands are leaving in droves because
    1. Blizzard decided to give nothing to do in season 4 for casuals or solo players;
    2. People who are going for the slime cat are going to quit the instant they get it.

    This little experiment of Ion's has been a disaster. Numbers will look really bad next quarter.

    I redeemed my offer and am leveling up a character. I thought I'd do one Horde and one Alliance, but OMG Bastion sucks donkey eggs. If I can tough it out I'll unlock flight.

    As far as MAU's go, the new auction house phone app adds an MAU for each player who uses it, even though you can't post on your phone.

    The truth is that people who pre-purchased Dragonflight but haven't purchased Shadowlands can't unpack that bundle. They can't even use the mount.

    Hardcores like to think that hardcores are forever subscribers while casuals come and go. But right now hardcores are leaving in droves as they quickly reach their goals and have no reason to stay subscribed. Season 4 has been a disaster. Ion's experiment on the playerbase has failed hard. A little data about some convoluted raid gear vendor doesn't make up for the fact that there is next to nothing to do this season.

    No doubt they have data showing that people who didn't buy the current expansion are less likely to buy the next one. This offer costs them nothing.

  3. When I quit after CATA When I subbed again I had access to MOP don't know how but I know I never bought it… Cause I was like ewww pandas… Maybe I bought WoD. I know I bought Legion.

    Legion was the best to me. Once I saw the trailer I was so hyped. So I got it resubbed and had to level all my characters to be ready for release!

    BFA and Shadowlands sucked ass. Dragonflight better be good or WOW will be going free to play.

    With a massive cash shop bringing all old sets and weapons back to buy LOL WOW.

  4. I can say one thing….im new at the game, and i find too much hate for blizzard and for the game.
    It's insanely toxic from people. omg.
    All things blizzard it's bad for people, im realy sick about this.
    Do you want to see world of warcraft become pay to win like diablo immortal for example ?
    you like stop paying sub and expansion, but pay 1000 dollar/euro for a armor or weapon ?
    Guys, stop be so fucking toxic! if you like the game, play it, pay it, enjoy!!!
    if you don't, just stop. quit.
    You deliberately destroy this game and then cry, because there's no game better or similar to wow!
    I tryed other mmo, it's a lot worst.

  5. See, I only play old solo content mostly, I have no interest in raids or progression, so access to Shadowlands is neat… But I still have so much other content to play through. Give me a month or two of free subscription and maybe I'll get addicted to the point I wanna keep playing, but I'm not interested enough to buy a sub currently, and getting content I don't have a character for (wouldn't want to use a character boost tbh) isn't much of an incentive

  6. It's purely an investor move. Nothing more. MAUs is one of the KPIs that is shown to investors and, if they can show they've maintained or grown in this matter, the investors don't get spooked. There may be some MS-deal thought put into this, but I have no direct info on that, so file it under speculation.

    If they truly cared about getting new players in, they'd offer a free trial up to level 50, with BfA, with no limits on play time. (Yes, the meme, but its tru tho).

  7. The problem with you saying this is you forget that they’ve been doing this for literal years when I knew expansion releases they give you the old one for free the only thing that they are doing is just preparing the game to transition into shatterlands please do not try to pretend like this is something new just for Clickbait even though it got me here I love you keep doing what you’re doing lol

  8. I wanted to give Dragonflight a try but when they told me i needed Shadowlands i gave up on it, either they give it for free or many players won't even come back at all lol

  9. They've been doing this since OG Burning Crusade, buy the new X-Pac get everything that came before it for free and they've been doing the free boost since original wrath IIRC, maybe it was Cata. The only difference is they're giving you the shadowlands boost first It's not really any different under the surface because we still have to pay for dragonflight if we want it, So effectively it's exactly the same as what they've always done. This is very click-baity and misleading.

  10. This has worked out well for me. I didn't know about the giveaway, but I coincidentally decided to reactivate my WoW account for the first time since Cata (played Classic up to Cata and got burned out and quit when I got a PS3)…so I thought I was getting up to BfA included, but ended up getting SL for free which I was expecting to pay for…which was nice.

    Also, I've only been logged back in for a couple of days but I'm enjoying it loads. I don't like the level squish as I was level 85 before I quit and I haven't quite got my head around the new level system yet, so logging back in and being level 32 (now 36) was odd…I wish they'd just kept the old level system and that I needed to go from 85-130. I have a PS5 and I've been enjoying my last couple of days back on WoW more than anything I've done on the PS5 over the last year and a half.

  11. They released this on the same day as Final Fantasy XIV's 6.2 major content patch to distract WoW addicts away from coming back to FF, considering this is a huge patch Blizzard was definately pooping their pants since they had nothing to release at the same time, so this is a big panic move by them. Guild Wars 2 is also celebrating it's 10th anniversary with a Steam launch. Lots of other great MMOs to play that doesn't involve WoW the timegated chore simulator with toxic playerbase.

  12. Gifting someone Shadowlands sounds like a threat, to be honest

    Also I find it funny that they panicked to get some players back and at the same time effectively flipped off all their diehard fans that bought the xpac day one. Couldn't you have given your actual customers something as well? Maybe just the boost for an alt or something? Just how out of touch is Blizzard at this point?


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