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Frost Death Knight Advanced Rotation Guide for Raids. Everything you need to know to play the frost DK optimally!
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00:00 Introduction
01:07 Core Rotation
03:36 Pillar of Frost
04:45 Pillar of Frost (Obliteration)
09:06 Remorseless Winter
10:56 Raise Dead + Sac Pact
11:52 Frostwyrm’s Fury
12:25 Cold Heart
14:00 Breath of Sindragosa
18:17 Empower Rune Weapon
19:08 Horn of Winter + Hypothermic Presence
19:34 Covenant Class Abilities
21:27 Openers
22:36 Outro
Frost dk seems simple on the surface but it can get quite intricate and tough to master. Unholy doesnt even have to try and it puts out dps, i find frost much more fulfilling and fun when played right
Your content led me to parsing a 97 on normal hungering this week. Great content dude keep it up, us dks love you, even the minuscule number of frost dks
thanks for your guide however the 2h obliteration sucks the damage is way too low
Dw obliteration can be pretty good right now I think
Thanks for the video but you didn’t talk about DnD if we don’t play death due
Im glad i listened to you and not xodas and went for night fae with obliteration build i won against every venthyr frost dks yet in mythic+😂
Would you recommend rune of razor ice or fallen crusader for 2h obl?
Is frost still weaker in st than uh after nerf?
I have a feeling that Frost will overtake Unholy in Raids after Nathria. Frost seems to scale slightly better with gear after the Mastery nerfs to Unholy, it's much closer in single target parses at 226 ilvl and Nathria bosses are mostly single target with a lot of mechanics that are more punishing for Frost than for Unholy. I'm pretty sure Frost might even be better in M+ sooner than that.
Hi, i just dont get it, why pass out on Glacial Advance when using a 2H weapon… at bosses, after 25-30s you get a flat-out 15% frost dmg increase across the board… this includes HB, FS, Obliterate with KM, is there a particular reason to go GS over GA?
Thanks 🙂
Hey, Great Video as always! Just got one question. During the BoS Window its not recommended to use rime procs?
Exceptional video and explanation! Nice 🙂
Great video! I have a few questions. During breath do you howling blast at all if you get procs? or you ignore that and just press obliterate? also, do i still wanna use frostwyrm fury and use my cold heart at the end of pillar? in the middle of breath? also you macro breath with pillar etc, but between 2 uses of breath i get pillar off cd, do i use it alone one time before pressing it with breah again? thanks :)))) love your videos! 😀
Do you also not bother pressing remorless in the middle of breath and can we use our racial on the breath macro?
Breath of sindragosa is probably worst CD ever created in WOW
cheers , thanks mate !
Hi, great video, i'm playing 2h obliteration build with everfrost,GS and the RW leg and i was wondering if i should overcap rp to extend the duratoin of the remorseless winter ?
The BoS macro is not casting RW for me when I don't have any free rune even though the activation of BoS alone refreshes 2 runes instantly. Could it be lag?
Hello, you can make your videos with Spanish subtitles for your Latino followers who do not understand English, your videos look very good and detailed, videos like that in Spanish are not found and I am sure I will speak for many
At the mark 2:56 can't make out the word your saying
Does DK Frost do more damage using one-handed weapons?
I’d love to see some reworks on the talents for frost. A lot of the talents doesn’t feel like they are making an impact and are just simply boring. It’s sad to see that the potential for frost’s dps is not as high as for unholy, since I find unholy to be a bit uninteresting in some aspects.
Reworking the talents could perhaps make frost more dynamic than what they are atm. Thus, creating more room for higher dps potential.
Thank you for the video. I was wondering what’s the highest or best dps build for pve? I was thinking of a Necrolord DW BoS Frost Dk build… I understand the strength you gain on Abom combined with BoS is amazing damage wise. Any thoughts?
Thanks for the vid Biceps! Already made some changes to my build and macros. Would you recommend haste over crit for 2h obliberation build and crit over haste for dual wield obl. build?
Unholy make more dmg right?
its like Christmas came early , but i guess its just on time for this , thanks pumps your content is the best dk stuff out there
I feel like the pillar of frost part was for pvp but idk i'm new to dk.
What i would do is use remorseless winter before frost pillar to get a proc of rhyme so i save some seconds and idk about using every single cd with pillar of frost be cause youre more likely to enter a deadzone and lose overall damage
Hey Biceps, I really love your videos and the information contained in them.
But may I suggest something to make them a bit more viewer friendly? @7:13 for example, you're talking about PoF and the usage of FS and HB in it. It would be helpful if instead of the tooltips, you'd have a flowchart with the correct way of using them.
Thanks, and happy holidays!
Pls do Blood asap-
Hey Bicep after the buffs and nerfs, what do you think is the best legendary right no ma for unholy? are frenzy monstrousity and deadliest coil closer? or is coil just better overall?
What do you think of Avalanche + Rage of the Frozen Champion? Rage of the Frozen Champion smooths out the rotation by making Rimes more likely and granting RP and Avalanche gives Rime a good boost of damage in ST and AoE.
Another question: i'm really struggeling with what I call the "dead" moments. This happens when i'm out of runes and RP. This happens to many times and really tanks my dps. My avg dps is 3.0k with dw obl build using all tips and tricks. But when switching from biting cold to rage of the frozen champion legendary I hardly have any dead moments and my single target dps is way higher. Is there any way to avoid those dead moments?