SO DIFFERENT! | Shadowlands Afterlives: Revendreth – World of Warcraft REACTION (Agent Reacts)

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6 thoughts on “SO DIFFERENT! | Shadowlands Afterlives: Revendreth – World of Warcraft REACTION (Agent Reacts)”

  1. Revendreth’s purpose is to extract anima in the form of a soul’s sins. So they torture the sins out of them, if they change and atone then good. If not, they’re thrown in the Maw

  2. In the afterlife, the Shadowlands, Anima is the currency of the realm. Anima is extracted in various ways, but in Revendreth, they expiate the sins of evil souls and refine anima from that. The big orc is in fact Garrosh Hellscream, former Warchief of the Horde, an orc supremacist and instigator of genocide. While the circumstances surrounding his journey to being a villain are tragic, he fully owns what he has done and is unrepentant (he's kind of like Thanos in that way, he sees his people suffering due to lack of resources and believes the Horde should just take what it needs, and sees what he is doing as right and just). That's why he's an 'old reliable', because he is convinced of his own self-righteousness.

    Sire Denathrius, the leader of the Venthyr of Revendreth, is actually the reason for this anima drought the Shadowlands is experiencing. Ostensibly he is a prison warden who works to redeem the prideful souls; this was originally how the first venthyr were created, from redeemed souls he reshaped in his image. But the eons of performing this task have corrupted him and he now works with the Jailer in the Maw, funneling the Jailer massive amounts of anima in an attempt to free him, and thus rule all the Shadowlands.

    And yes, Revendreth and the Venthyr are the basis for all vampirism and blood magic found in the World of Warcraft.


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