Today twice in two separate dungeons I, the healer, single-handedly saved the run by killing the lieut. and a few baddies. And no, it did not take me a long time to do it…
New players avoid M+ players like the plague. They all think they are good but cant beat Zekvir ??. Losers… the mount looks like a waste of time as well.
When I finish an exceptionally smooth dungeon with a tank that just was on top of pull size, managing cds super well, pacing it all really nicely and being great with the route and % I always message them and tell them they are absolutely killing it.
the god complex healers and tanks have is crazy
wasn’t expecting slovo patsana in a wow meme😂 good show👍
So many bad DPS out there that need to try tanking/healing so they can hopefully be of more use to the community.
Good one
He forgot the part where the heals calls the tank dogwater, then leaves group
Today twice in two separate dungeons I, the healer, single-handedly saved the run by killing the lieut. and a few baddies. And no, it did not take me a long time to do it…
Tru Tru. Lol.
Soooo HARD to find GOOD PUG Healers/Tanks
then just do dungeons alone lol 😊
New players avoid M+ players like the plague. They all think they are good but cant beat Zekvir ??. Losers… the mount looks like a waste of time as well.
Timing…. Not timeing… Ffs
Ооо, русские сериалы ворвались в Америку)
As a healer, even if the tank is good. I call him a tutu before leaving
Us after the 70 death +11 last night
If you're a tank who gives a fuck about the healer you're probably not a very good tank.
Im addicted to these uploads…too funny
DPS is still the best. Can't down a boss without us.
*shakes hands
*healer, to tanks ear “stick it in your penis hole, clown”
Oh f off. The tank and healers are support classes, the real heroes are the dps
This is so addicted
Retail wow players, incase you didn’t know this is what a friends list is for
Imagine thinking you're more valuable than other's because noone wants to bother with your role.
Or OR, hear me out, whisper said tank/heal "Hey, that was fun, wanna so that again sometimes?" Followed by a friend request on bnet
That tank looks a bit bruised tho….. maybe that healer focused a bit too much on dpsing 😂
When I finish an exceptionally smooth dungeon with a tank that just was on top of pull size, managing cds super well, pacing it all really nicely and being great with the route and % I always message them and tell them they are absolutely killing it.