The BEST PRO SETTINGS for Shadowlands PvP | Graphics, Sound, Interface & More! | WoW UI Guide

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0:00 – Intro
1:01 – Graphics settings
1:50 – Sound settings
2:28 – Interface settings
2:58 – Combat settings
10:28 – Frame settings
13:05 – Positioning your frames
17:37 – Custom lag tolerance

Check spell queue window: /dump GetCVar(“SpellQueueWindow”)
Change spell queue window: /console SpellQueueWindow 120

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22 thoughts on “The BEST PRO SETTINGS for Shadowlands PvP | Graphics, Sound, Interface & More! | WoW UI Guide”

  1. This content is insanely high quality, thanks for all the hard work you guys put in. Sorry if it has been asked but where/how do I change my primary game font to match yours. Way easier on my eyes 🙂

  2. Really great video. Especially liked the explanation on UI scale (mine was way too small and it showed). You mentioned someone should especially avoid having small UI scale for large monitors. Just a question as I'm playing at 32'' with 4K resolution, wondering if I should go for 0.9 UI scale like in the vid? Things look just massive. Is something like 0.7-0.8 enough due to them being large anyway?

  3. After I typed /dump GetCVar("SpellQueueWindow"), game is telling me, that I am trying to run a custom script, which could compromise my character and cause the loss of items or gold… is this really OKey?

  4. Amazing guide as usual! Would you do a guide on keybinds in the future? Certain classes require a lot of binds, especially in PVP with arena targets and I'm sure I can improve my binds based on a guide like this one!


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