It's the complete opposite. Most people leave because they've killed the boss 10 times already and they're farming a specific piece of loot. Unless it's the last 2-3 bosses because those are usually harder, people don't want to reprog a boss. It's not that they want to be carried, it's that they don't wanna carry your ass.
Or, or, orrrr… They're the ones tired of carrying. Im not about to spend 3 hours in this raid with a bunch of people who clearly dont know what they're doing, and if i see that we cant make it 15 minutes into a raid without problems, the next 3 hours arent gonna magically get easier.
I’m sorry but it’s the exact opposite they don’t want to carry people. I’m not about to sit in a group op people who have no idea what they are doing in the raid on week 12
Why should I have to wait for an AOTC group to remember mechanics for a boss they’ve already killed?? If I know the mechanics and am topping meters of course I’m going to leave when the group can’t even get past p1 as AOtC group
I have watched you a few times and it makes sense on why you see it this way. The other side of the coin that you failed to acknowledge is the fact that people have been doing this for 2 months and they don’t want to get back into a learning group so they leave,
No one wants to re prog something they killed 2 months ago knowing it’s not gonna get killed.
Picture this: You come home late from work, you are looking to kill a boss for the chance on a specific piece of gear that you farm on a boss you killed multiple times and you get in a group where 3 ppl carry rest doesn't even know how to move out of an aoe (like the most simplest mechanic) and you know you don't have the whole evening time for that, maybe you're even bit exhausted from a long day just wanting to kill that boss quick
Would you try to teach them 1 or 2h how this boss works? When there's literally guides that'd teach a in under 5 MINUTES if they just looked at it? I highly doubt that. Either you have too much time to do that, or you are a nhc raider that has no idea but wants to speak up for the ones who cant look at guides I dont wanna call u a casual cause i don't know u so you tell me
Cause i got 2 options:
I notice after 2 pulls its a prog of ppl who have no idea, maybe wasted 10 minutes in these 2 pulls and i leave get a new group maybe after 5 minutes who can kill that boss do let's say i wasted 10 minutes, 5 min wait time and maybe depending on boss with its phases 5 min fight time Thats 20 min and i can spenx time on other things that evening like a few m+
Or i TRY helping/teaching them for 2 or 3 HOURS and still can't kill the boss and have to go off again
So you get my point? In a pug its everyone's own responsibility to get ready via guides etc
I don't remind telling them what they might mess up so they atleast know where they have the problems but im not there to solve these pugs problems
I think they leave for various reasons, but some raid groups are so toxic and although I've only been kicked once in twenty years of gameplay, I can usually tell which way it's going to go, but I reserve judgement and stay because the next group is often great after the toxic people leave. Mind my age has a lot to do with my patience, I'm in my seventies.
If they agree to enter venue that has a certain known time stamp, they should participate. If its a shit show, id leave too. Time is a commodity i can ill afford to waste.
I'm no quitter. 7 hours straight, wiping on Sindragosa back in wotlk 😂 I know, it's extreme, and it never happened again, but we were determined to get her down, and we did.
Depends on why the group wiped after the second attempt if it’s clear the tanks don’t know what they’re doing in. The group is not kicking the tanks. Yeah I’m leaving. I’m not gonna waste my time with that.
Or they have limited time and it's expected to complete reasonable content at a reasonable pace. The higher end content is getting to extreme. If your average player can't come in and try something once or twice and figure it out then it's a content issue. Mythic should never be this btw. I'm talking about heroic and below. Not everyone can make wow a full time job.
i wanna play wow again i played as a kid but not suru its worth it i havent got all day to play anymore
It's the complete opposite. Most people leave because they've killed the boss 10 times already and they're farming a specific piece of loot. Unless it's the last 2-3 bosses because those are usually harder, people don't want to reprog a boss.
It's not that they want to be carried, it's that they don't wanna carry your ass.
Or, or, orrrr… They're the ones tired of carrying. Im not about to spend 3 hours in this raid with a bunch of people who clearly dont know what they're doing, and if i see that we cant make it 15 minutes into a raid without problems, the next 3 hours arent gonna magically get easier.
I’m sorry but it’s the exact opposite they don’t want to carry people. I’m not about to sit in a group op people who have no idea what they are doing in the raid on week 12
Sorry came for one drop and it didn’t drop so peace
Why should I have to wait for an AOTC group to remember mechanics for a boss they’ve already killed?? If I know the mechanics and am topping meters of course I’m going to leave when the group can’t even get past p1 as AOtC group
Hahahahahahahaha then they get out in wow time out for 30 minutes so pointless to leave
Or if you think people don’t know what they are doing, maybe help them and teach them, I know wild
If you want the good stuff you have to do the boring stuff also. Not only in WoW but IRL also 😉 That's just how life is.
People leave quickly because they are just targeting loot. It's a broken system.
I have watched you a few times and it makes sense on why you see it this way.
The other side of the coin that you failed to acknowledge is the fact that people have been doing this for 2 months and they don’t want to get back into a learning group so they leave,
No one wants to re prog something they killed 2 months ago knowing it’s not gonna get killed.
Absolutely agree with ya. So annoying.
Picture this:
You come home late from work, you are looking to kill a boss for the chance on a specific piece of gear that you farm on a boss you killed multiple times and you get in a group where 3 ppl carry rest doesn't even know how to move out of an aoe (like the most simplest mechanic) and you know you don't have the whole evening time for that, maybe you're even bit exhausted from a long day just wanting to kill that boss quick
Would you try to teach them 1 or 2h how this boss works? When there's literally guides that'd teach a in under 5 MINUTES if they just looked at it? I highly doubt that. Either you have too much time to do that, or you are a nhc raider that has no idea but wants to speak up for the ones who cant look at guides I dont wanna call u a casual cause i don't know u so you tell me
Cause i got 2 options:
I notice after 2 pulls its a prog of ppl who have no idea, maybe wasted 10 minutes in these 2 pulls and i leave get a new group maybe after 5 minutes who can kill that boss do let's say i wasted 10 minutes, 5 min wait time and maybe depending on boss with its phases 5 min fight time
Thats 20 min and i can spenx time on other things that evening like a few m+
Or i TRY helping/teaching them for 2 or 3 HOURS and still can't kill the boss and have to go off again
So you get my point? In a pug its everyone's own responsibility to get ready via guides etc
I don't remind telling them what they might mess up so they atleast know where they have the problems but im not there to solve these pugs problems
I think they leave for various reasons, but some raid groups are so toxic and although I've only been kicked once in twenty years of gameplay, I can usually tell which way it's going to go, but I reserve judgement and stay because the next group is often great after the toxic people leave. Mind my age has a lot to do with my patience, I'm in my seventies.
If they agree to enter venue that has a certain known time stamp, they should participate. If its a shit show, id leave too. Time is a commodity i can ill afford to waste.
I'm no quitter. 7 hours straight, wiping on Sindragosa back in wotlk 😂 I know, it's extreme, and it never happened again, but we were determined to get her down, and we did.
I am willing to put up with a wipe or two but at some point I want to stop wasting my time.
Depends on why the group wiped after the second attempt if it’s clear the tanks don’t know what they’re doing in. The group is not kicking the tanks. Yeah I’m leaving. I’m not gonna waste my time with that.
I sometimes quit because my wife is constantly ranting (like a Mythic+ player) to do the laundry, feed the dog, etc.
Or they have limited time and it's expected to complete reasonable content at a reasonable pace.
The higher end content is getting to extreme. If your average player can't come in and try something once or twice and figure it out then it's a content issue.
Mythic should never be this btw. I'm talking about heroic and below.
Not everyone can make wow a full time job.
Ur just so fking wrong😂 i leave if the grp is struggling on hc bosses 3 months into xp
No short today 😢
I just had this conversation with a guildy, we are rebuilding a progression guild from MoP that I established.
Easy come easy go. Retail is so accessible that people don’t really need to invest or commit to other people
I'm Not the Best Tank but I Try and I ALWAYS take helpful Criticism.
Often people leave a plug because of poor group performance, no one wants to carry 10-19 other people for an extended period of time.
Or you get people who don't know the fights . Stop guessing clown